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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: January 26th, 2024

  • Bruh so funny. I’m not sure I could have come up with a quip so succinct, yet so useless.


    There is a worrying amount of Nazi sympathy among Ukrainian forces

    The Russian economy is doing surprisingly well (signalling that the west no longer holds complete control over world trade)

    Fuck Russia for invading a sovereign nation

    Fuck the west for blocking peace talks

    Good luck to all peoples in their fights of liberation from their oppressors. The leadership of the west and it’s oligarchs, the Russian oligarchs, and all leaders sympathetic to the American empire would be better used as pig feed.

    None of us are free unless we are all free.

    There. Now that you know where I stand, it should be easier to construct an intelligent response.

  • According to this community absolutely yes, but no in reality.

    Just as an aside to add a fact to your statement: Marxism is a process that has been used to critique capitalism, as anyone who is intellectually honest should do. For example: if someone says "socialism doesn’t work " someone who is a Marxist might ask “okay, historically is this true?” And they would see that several socialist experiments have struggled. Then, as anyone who cares to understand would ask, they might say “okay then what happened to cause this?”. And in many cases you will see that Western Imperialism has sought to destroy these movements through various methods including assassinations, and funding groups like the Mujahideen.

    Damn. Well, then someone left might say 'well that’s Capitalisms fault". At which point it might be justified to call them a tankie. Someone else might conclude" hmm, Capitalist states do not want socialist states to succeed, therefore a socialist state should expect aggressive action from capitalist states. Thus, ONE of the problems with past socialist experiments has been their inability to withstand these external threats." Someone who doesn’t critique anything might say “SEE COMMUNISM NEVER WORKS!”

    TLDR; One of the key aspects of Marxism/Socialism/Communism is the criticism of past, current, and future political economic systems (capitalism, feudalism, socialism etc). Anyone who ignores this hasn’t read much, and should consider whether what they are consuming is state propaganda.