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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Мамочкааааааа

    “It happened to me! To me!!!”

    Maybe she could have also gone like this every time Kyiv and/or Odessa and/or any and all Ukrainian cities have been relentlessly attacked for the past 500+ days. But just as I’m not expecting water to be squeezed out of a rock, neither am I expecting reason and empathy coming out of these lazy, cruel, mindless savages.

  • Perelandra!
    I read Out Of The Silent Planet and Perelandra as a boy, enjoyed them.

    But I couldn’t make it through That Hideous Strength, I put it down baffled and bored one day, and never picked it up again. Now I’m thinking I was too young for it, particularly growing up so far away from the novel’s setting in England.

    The first two novels take place in Mars and Venus, so there’s a sense of adventure. But in That Hideous Strength, the mannerisms and situations and dialogue styles are akin to something like Brideshead Revisited in Oxford and/or Cambridge.

    While a British boy might get the whole thing intuitively, I grew up in Mexico, so had no mental compass of that world at that age. It was all as confusing to me then as God Emperor Of Dune was later.

  • You know… I’ve never really thought about it that way, but my three favorites may be the same most watched.
    2001: A Space Odyssey
    The Empire Strikes Back
    Miller’s Crossing

    Sometimes I’ll watch Miller’s Crossing with English subtitles/captions, just to take in all that insane and masterful dialogue, it truly is as if William Shakespeare had written a 1920s mob tragicomedy.

    You ain’t got a license to kill bookies and today I ain’t sellin’. So take your flunky and dangle!

  • Isn’t Grosse Pointe Blank from around '98 or ‘99?
    That’s when VHS was on its’ very last legs. I think my first DVD player was from around 2001, by that time the graph line of DVD rising and VHS falling had already intersected, and this was in Mexico, I’m not sure when other parts of the world made the transition, say in the US, Europe or Japan it happened earlier.

  • That mid-Almodovar peak was incredible, now that you mention it. My personal favorite from that time has to be Habla Con Ella (Talk To Her), in parallel Woody Allen filmography terms I would equate it with Hannah & Her Sisters, in artistic achievement.

    Barry Lyndon is currently a rising “underrated masterpiece” topic with most of the best film critic podcasters. My personal favorite film has nearly always been 2001: A Space Odyssey, but I just recently rewatched Barry Lyndon and man… in any other filmography this would have stood alone at the top.
    And we still have the rest of Kubrick’s work to contend with… Dr. Strangelove, The Shining, Paths Of Glory, Eyes Wide Shut… it’s just ridiculous.

    For a long time now, I’ve regarded two people as my artistic heroes of the 20th century: Stanley Kubrick and John Coltrane. Mark Rothko could be up there, too, I cannot imagine my day-to-day life without his work to stop and look at, or to simply have as a presence in my surroundings.