• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • All the latest models are trained on synthetic data generated on got4. Even the newer versions of gpt4. Openai realized it too late and had to edit their license after Claude was launched. Human generated data could only get us so far, recent phi 3 models which managed to perform very very well for their respective size (3b parameters) can only achieve this feat because of synthetic data generated by AI.

    I didn’t read the paper you mentioned, but recent LLM have progressed a lot in not just benchmarks but also when evaluated by real humans.

  • Right now i just want a livable job, like i got 1k eur as a student for working 20h/week so right now anything above or equal should do. My only requirement is that it is related to software cuz thats my field.

    Man it is so crazy, i have masters from a uni which is 5th for computer science in germany. My gpa is 1.7 and i have 1.5 years of full time software dev experience and 3 years of part time (20h/week) software/ML engineering experience. And i have sent 70-80 applications and yet no interview. Like people if my creds are not enough to get me even 1 interview where i can show that i have skills that i claim to have then what will??

  • At the time probably yes, now we don’t know/probably not. Note that love is complicated and has different types like there is passionate love and companionate love. Passionate love rises quickly within 6 months to 1.5 years, it reaches its peak. Then it goes down hill and within 7 years it goes to its lowest point. This happens to everybody not just you, naturally this love converts into companionate love over this time and when that does not happen it needs to end. Companionate love is slow in rising but it is also more lasting. Two main components of companionate love are 1) emotional intimacy - ability to share anything 2) commitment - that feeling that it is YOUR responsibility to help them if they need something. Any action that violates these will result in losing love.

    Some actions that hurt love: lying, hiding things, feeling you’re the only one who cares etc.

    Know this, true love or companionate love is something both people nurture and grow, you cannot do it all on your own. If it ended then something went wrong, maybe nobody was at fault.

    Take your time and heal my friend.

  • I meant changing the outcome because you saw something in the dream.

    I don’t think the future is fully determined. Just some parts have to be because of our actions. I have some theories:

    Theory 1: maybe the universe is like a machine, and while it gives the impression that everything is possible, reality is that some outcomes are just not possible due to some limitation. Kinda like a game, you can have infinitely many possibilities of actions in an open world game but still there will be some options not possible because you choose some action at the start.

    Theory 2: maybe there really is someone who controls what happens in this universe. Like our dream is the announcement that something will happen but the enforcement happens later. And the exact nature of the enforcement depends on our and everybody else’s actions. In other words it is not decided what will happen but whatever happen will not go against the dream. We just dont know what other things could have happened given a dream.

    Of Course nobody knows the true nature, and we can only guess and ponder about it.