When I worked at Lowe’s, dealing with the public was the only good part of the job.
When I worked at Lowe’s, dealing with the public was the only good part of the job.
There’s only one way to find out
If you thought demotivating management was associated with high pay and white collar work, Lowe’s will disabuse you of that notion.
You think being an entrepreneur is more of a sure thing than finding an employer?
She wouldn’t have tripped if the ground hadn’t tripped her
Resolve moral conflicts to unlock higher dopamine levels across the board
Humans are relatively defenseless but specialize in child rearing.
This gives us an advantage in taking pets. If you’re gonna form a bond with an animal it’s better if that animal is a predator because they can fight more effectively.
It makes more sense to give scritchy-witchies to a grizzly-wizzly than to a bunny-wun.
Dude your mom’s fine
The ten minutes is to get a lower reading not a higher one. The longer the same water sits in those pipes the more shit it absorbs from the pipes.
If you never work, everything is hard
Meta did not end fact checking.
Meta switched to a system of community notes, which is superior at fact checking than a centralized team of fact checkers.
Yes I’ve tried the obvious path. It doesn’t sort them.
It’s not as hard as most other jobs I’ve done, but I certainly do work that many hours.
Then use a directed air jet
How far we have fallen
Fuck that
— Pierce Brown’s dramatis personae
“No gimmicks! No tricks! You don’t pay … ‘till 1996!”
— ad for a furniture store when I was growing up