Oh, Smartypants. I forgot I watch that too.
Oh, Smartypants. I forgot I watch that too.
I mean, you could just look up someone’s personnel file and see their rank didn’t change after they returned to Alpha Quadrant.
Add Make Some Noise. Those four are the only shows I watch.
I took one college course and couldn’t handle it. On top of that I was the weird student that wanted to use a Mac instead of the school’s own computers. So anytime I had a problem, the teacher would just blame me using Xcode instead of Visual Studio.
I don’t understand this. Anyways, how’s your sex life?
Definitely gonna try the hasperat, bloodwine and Orion hurricane. Seriously, no gagh? The Andorian and Romulan ale sound the same. Not interested in a cocktail tea. Also, a plomeek tea but not a soup?
Some odd choices. If the Chateau Picard is the same wine Star Trek Wines makes, then I’ve had it. However, if that is the case then I’d expect the bloodwine to be from Star Trek Wines, which I haven’t had.
FYI: the three Chateau Picard bottles are the same. I asked a vender at STLV. Just a different bottle.
That is something that might make Kurt roll over in his grave.
Why are non-European countries even allowed to participate?
My own meme and it applies here.
Just giving me ideas of how to drink beverages at STLV.
But what age range would this be? Can’t be a child. We already got that.
Before Picard season 1 was in production, McAvoy (not sure if he was serious) said he’d like to play a young Jean-Luc.
And there is a official crossover that occurred long before Sir Patrick Stewart starred in the movies.
So he likes to fantasize about Kamala as his surrogate daughter?
EDIT: In case you forgot or were unaware, Famke Janssen played Kamala in “The Perfect Mate” as well as Jean Grey in the original X-Men trilogy.
Got tetanus updated. Apparently that was recommended on my last medical checkup.
I am unable to find a news report now, but I am certain I read one back in 2018 or 2019. I believe that Conservation International (an organization that helped develop the C.A.F.E. standard the company uses) was discovered covering up the certification of one of the farms in Brazil. As I remember reading, that a farm was at the time listed somewhere as being certified but after slave labor was discovered, CI uncertified the farm and attempted to claim it failed to meet the C.A.F.E. standards, thus never was awarded certification. They weren’t saying the certification was revoked; it never had any.
Here are three different reports regarding three different instances in Brazil. https://news.mongabay.com/2019/05/slave-labor-found-at-second-starbucks-certified-brazilian-coffee-farm/
Here is one on the Guatemala incident. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/mar/01/children-work-for-pittance-to-pick-coffee-beans-used-by-starbucks-and-nespresso
You wish.