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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • Something in this quote triggered the meme that you can say anything and just attribute it to some famous dead person and people will assume it’s true. So i did the right thing and googled and it turns out the quote is at least mostly right. As i found it with my googling is: “As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed and demand a rent even for its natural produce.” -Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, book 1, chapter VI I think that leaving out the “like all other men” might misrepresent the actual thoughts of adam smith a bit without proper markings i am still happy that i spent 20 minutes of my life fact checking a random comment on the internet.

  • I say calls are fine if significant dialogue is required or the matter requires immediate response, but i would preferably get a text first something like “can i call you now/at time x/whatever”. If during the call there is any exact information i need to remember(dates,numbers,addresses,etc) i would like that information after the fact so i can reference after the cat and save a lot of anxiety over wether i remembered the thing right.

  • Id say as someone who enjoys sleeping in the same bed (often with people who i am in a non-sexual relationship with and sometimes in a bed not designed for two people) it has kinda the same effect that cuddling with a person(sometimes it is just that) for a very long time so it just feels nice and has you rested in a completely different way. I do agree that the sleep quality often suffers a bit so i wouldn’t likely want to sleep like that every night.

    It is kinda how many mammals have evolved to sleep, ever seen cats sleep in a big ball in weird positions over eachother?