There’s definitely a concept of a plan though. Don’t let your guard down, Canada!
There’s definitely a concept of a plan though. Don’t let your guard down, Canada!
I’ve met quite a few people who will complain about him and recognise that he’s corrupt, but just not go and vote. Last time he won on a turnout of 43%.
I think it’s important to keep using this image of Musk. It’s the most direct way to remind people that this powerful man working to destroy every government department from within is an unelected Nazi.
36 is not what I think of as middle aged. It’s young. And this is the median, so half are dying younger.
The media and the Democratic Party will be the last ones to admit the Nazi takeover has gone too far to be corrected through conventional means. But lots of people feel like you do. Active resistance of many kinds is needed.
Not all of these mini PCs have a wifi card in them even if they have the antennas for it. You might start by opening it to check whether the wifi antennas are connected, or whether you need to add a WiFi card.
I think OPNsense would do what you’re looking for. I use it on a mini PC as my router, and it’s great, but I have not used it for WiFi (I run a separate access point). The limitation is WiFi hardware support. You will need to make sure your mini PC’s WiFi card has a driver in FreeBSD. Intel hardware is often a better bet than Realtek etc.
That’s democracy: you ask all the white supremacists what they want.
All these white supremacists do that. If they didn’t persuade themselves they are oppressed, they’d have to face the fact that they’re just assholes.
These “unorthodox” ideas about AIDS have been around since at least the early 1990s, and probably the 1980s. If only there were 4 decades of research we could draw on to decide whether they’re a load of contrarian nonsense.
If no one is willing or able to defend constitutional rights, they don’t really exist any more. I hope there are legal cases being prepared at least, to challenge all this new censorship.
I suspect that, Trump’s people being homophobes and Nazis, they (1) still think HIV is a “gay disease” and (2) are trying to kill as many LGBTQ+ people as they can.
In short, yes.
Some can perhaps afford to give up 20% of their salary. Good for them. Many of us don’t have that wiggle room.
But Trump’s cavalier attitude to the magazine’s focus belies the fact that he spent years pining for it to name him “Person of the Year.” In fact, Time’s decision to feature Steve Bannon on the cover in the early days of Trump’s first term effectively ended his romance with his top strategist.
Imagine caring this much about that stuff. It must be hard work being Trump.
Just like how a cabinet full of billionaires won’t use the government to enrich themselves, because they already have enough money.
Give it time and they’ll shoot a lot of us.
It has been a concern for a long time that as drought bites in the USA and the Arctic becomes a strategic waterway, the USA will want what Canada has in its lakes, its coasts, its farmable land and its other natural resources. It’s just that Trump is accelerating the process, trying to get it done before Canada has a chance to prepare any resistance, and before many Canadians twig what’s going on. I’m quite sure he’s serious, and quite sure he isn’t the only one.
Meanwhile Canadians are about to elect the most incompetent PM ever, whose only goal is to look tough and bigoted while screwing the little people, like Trump.
He’ll still have a huge military run by loyal fascists.
At this point it would be a step up.
Hard to tell. The picture was widely used in the media, and they’re usually quite careful about that kind of thing. There’s something reddish in it, but it could be material from the truck or its contents. One of the photos the police released of his guns had some red foamy material in it, another photo had some stringy red material (plastic?) lying in the road, and there were various red items in the bed too. I’ll mark it NSFW just in case.