Hot Saucerman


Situationists never die, they’re just remixed.

Have you heard of Monsieur Guy Debord?

  • 16 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2020


  • Hot*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    The sale of Pebble was supposed to include the developers jobs. They found out very late in the game that this wasn’t true. He screwed his devs on the way out. Basically said “fuck your job, good luck.”. Real shitty way to handle it, imo.

    Coupled with the fact that it meant all real support for Pebble was gone as well, it really was about Micigovsky making out with a bunch of money and saying “good luck, I dont actually care what happens” to his devs and the people who bought a Pebble.

    The way it shook out just doesn’t make me trust him. I think he would do the same thing again, sell to a more scummy third party who will strip Beeper for profit when he isn’t making enough money.

    I honestly distrust their business model as a successful long term one, based on his past.

  • Hot Saucerman@lemmy.mltoRisa@startrek.websitePSB!!!
    9 months ago

    I wonder if all the pro pumpkin spice stuff is a backlash against all the anti pumpkin spice stuff that was going around a while back.

    Oh yeah, it definitely is. A lot of it is because a lot of weirdos like pumpkin spice, too. It got labeled as a “basic” thing as though being boring and enjoying simple pleasures isn’t what’s available to most people living in poverty, which when 60% of the US lives paycheck to paycheck… is the majority of people. Most people are boring because it’s what we have access to and time for, and a lot of folks are done being vilified for it as though your choice in coffee speaks to some larger issue about you. It doesn’t.

    It’s really in many ways an unintentionally classist dig on people who like sweets or just simple things.

    Indeed, there’s not as many passionate Nogg Hogs.

  • Hot Saucerman@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlPlease, do not use Brave.
    9 months ago

    No problem. I remember being mildly irked about it at the time, because while I disagree with his choice to make that donation to that group, and understand the feelings of LGBT people working at Mozilla and how knowing his politics impacted them… He handled the public response to it professionally. He didn’t double down like conservative politicians these days and start shouting about “gays are groomers” or something. He owned it and stepped away, which should at least speak to him not being completely homophobic and able to take ownership of how his personal politics affected others. You see so little of that these days, that when someone acts professionally after perceived wrongdoing, it seems sad when people don’t recognize it.

    Also, I never saw any news of him being proven to have made any discriminatory moves while in Mozilla at all. I could be wrong, but I don’t remember employee complaints of being treated differently before the news of his donation broke. Like I said, I can understand how that news can change how you feel about your boss, but if your boss never made an outward show of it in a work environment and a news report on his political donations is what it took for you to know his politics… it means he was probably being pretty fucking professional at work and trying to not let his personal politics infect how he treated his coworkers and employees. *shrugs