Developer, Free Culture activist, self-hoster, auxlanger [EO-IO-LdP], translator-adapter, A11Y advocate, free-time gamer. Proudly self-hosting my instance from Santa Ana, Costa Rica. Posts generally in English and Spanish.
Desarrollador, activista de la Cultura Libre, promotor del autohospedaje, aficionado a las auxilenguas [EO-IO-LdP], traductor-adaptador, promotor de accesibilidad, juego videojuegos en mi tiempo libre. Orgullosamente autohospedando mi instancia desde Santa Ana, Costa Rica. Mensajes por lo general en inglés y español.
Note to self: download them as PDFs for future reference
Considering that I don’t have a car, I’ve been boycotting most media and many brands for years, and I have no friends because nobody shares the same ethics as I do? Yeah every purchase is and should be a moral dilemma. (The proper solution is to drop society and go raise my own crops in the middle of the mountains, someday I’ll save up to do just that)
No joke, it’s pretty much impossible to find a car by a manufacturer that didn’t benefit from human rights abuses one way or another. Most European cars are from companies founded (or funded) by Nazi Germany or its axis friends. Same goes for Japanese cars. In the US, either the founder is a seething racist (like Ford and Tesla) or the company has been collaborating too much with the army (like Jeep). And don’t get me started with China.
Fair enough, the dude’s been writing bangers for decades already
Where can one submit requests for re-evaluation? Seems like the NYT’s credibility and factuality have dropped significantly during the last year
If only we could finally convince Vanillaware to release for the Steam Deck!
@modev I’m genuinely surprised to see so few C courses integrating standard C safety tools, such as linters. It’s extremely easy to write unsafe C on the beginning, heck I passed years avoiding loops like the plague because I didn’t manage to write them correctly without going on an off-by-one error. Something that a linter would have caught and fixed for me.
Could we expect players from unsupported regions to have the original game retroactively removed from their libraries?
Most important part to me: Adwaita is finally themeable again! No more black-or-white-or-the-highway
Account verification is relatively simple, if you have your own website you just add a link back with a special formatting. Problem is, barely anyone applies for self-verification, and several platforms such as Lemmy don’t support self-verification whatsoever. I can see why something like a distributed verification agency should be a thing, if we manage to make the implementation less technical for the end users of course.
@nanoUFO At least it still runs on the Steam Deck, right? …Right?!
@alessandro Ah never mind, total purchases were 25000 so the brute earnings were about 1 million USD
@nanoUFO Let me guess, will they put Minus8 to bankruptcy as an example?
@Fubarberry I’ve been using a hack to use Decky Loader on Windows and non-Deck Linux, and at the very least it allows me to use themes and add info to the interface. I wonder if Decky Loader 3 has official support for either of these.
@sundray I could leash my dog on the roof and bam, instant source of perpetual motion
@The_Che_Banana Not sure if Russia deals with shekels, unless they’re sourced specifically from Palestine
@BrikoX Now they’re stuck with what, the Renminbi-Yuan?
Ah, been like that for roughly the last six months. Too busy to take free time, too burned out to use the free time when it comes.