Perpetually tired mental health counselor, sometimes retro game streamer, comedian, Mensan, coffee connoisseur, bacon lover, chronic pain survivor, nefarious pirate, and generally all-round nice dude…

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Took a break from Elden Ring and started playing Chrono Cross in ernest for the first time in over 20 years. I lent my original copy to my best friend and never got it back.

    I tried a couple times, but only ever got as far as Viper Manor. I’m almost up to Fort Dragonia now. Boned getting Leena at the start. Took the Save Kid Route. Just got Pip, Skelly, and NeoFio. Disappointed I took Guile instead of Glenn… For a character that’s supposed to be Magus, you’d think he’d be decent at anything, but holy crap… He’s just bad…

  • Absolutely, getting a PS2 was a game changer for me. DVD playback AND backward compatability. You had PS2, PSX, CD, and DVD all in one. I dumped my VCR shortly after getting it and mothballed my PSX. My 5 disc stereo collected dust until I sold it. Rigged it to my 5.1 speaker system to run on the same line as my computer. Between the PS2 and a properly equipped gaming PC, my bedroom was practically a movie theater, albeit with a tiny ass 22" crt.

  • They’re actually all considered 6th gen consoles. There’s only a 3 year gap between the Dreamcast and the Xbox.

    Dreamcast was 98

    PS2 was 2000

    GameCube and Xbox were both 01, the year Dreamcast was discontinued.

    Dreamcast could have been a wild success, probably would have been, too. The major issue was that the Playstation was still totally dominating the market. 98 and 99 were both ridiculously strong years for PSX title releases. Then the PS2 released and totally overshadowed it. Sega just couldn’t keep up… Nobody could. Not until the market kinda leveled out in 05-06.

  • Gonna leave a bit of advice for any young folks that might see this. Something I wish to god someone had told me when I was 20.

    Start an annuity plan. They’re generally stable, all but guaranteed to accrue money. You can set a percentage of your paycheck to be deposited automatically into the account. If you have the option to do this through your employer, do it, find out if they match the deposit like mine. Put 10% of your paycheck in there. After 10 years, I have $40,000 sitting in a retirement account with a progressive series of bonds set to mature in between now and my retirement age. Those bonds will roll back into shorter term bonds as they mature, and add more value to the account. My projected retirement age is still 72, but at least I know that money is there.

    Also, after 4 years, the account matures and you’re able to borrow against it, like collateral for a loan. So if I wanted to right now, I could take that money and use it as a down payment on a house. I’ll be expected to put it back, but the interest is generally lower than a home owner’s loan.