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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023


  • Fishing industry is evil and sucks big times. They just dump their gear (e.g. nets and longlines) in the open water and it’s a bane for turtles, sharks, whales, sea birds, seals etc. It’s not an accident. The gear seems to be deliberately dumped as the expensive stuff is removed. Read this article if you want to know why they do it. In addition those trawler/fish factory vessels are often part of ghost fleets where 75% of them kill every living being within a miles long radius for weeks on end without any controlling instance.

    If you’re now under the assumption that it would be better to buy fish from fish farms. It also sucks tremendously. At least when farmed in open pen sea cages out of multiple reasons:

    • Pesticides and Antibiotics are released into the sea
    • Viruses and parasites escape into the sea
    • Salmons escape and alter natural biodiversity
    • Excess food and waste lead to oxygen deprivation in the surrounding waters (dead zones)


    In addition (and I don’t know why WWF isn’t calling it out): Whales are essentially hunted because of farmed fish. That’s my own conclusion. They don’t openly admit it but because whales need tons of krill they are a direct competition to the omega-3 supplement market and feed for salmon farms. The culprits are Norway (they are real eco terrorists if you look behind their green facade at home), Ruzzia, Japan & Scottland. Not only whales but also penguins and seals depend on krill. And those animals are already suffering from H5N1 (with animal agriculture being the culprit again).

    What the greedy bastards don’t get is, when they kill off the whales, they kill off the krill too. As so often humans disturb eco systems developed over millions of years. In this case it’s the poop loop.

    The intention of my wall of text is to move the people who have a modicum of interest left to save the oceans to consider to ditch any fish caught in the oceans or bred on salmon farms (btw they are feeding them chicken bones too). Humans need Omega 3 DHA & EPA fatty acids. You can easily get those via algae capsules. That’s where fish get theirs from essentially.

    Only we the consumers have the power to break the vicious circle but we’re to uneducated and complacent. As long as there’s a market they’ll ruthlessly plunder the ecosystems till nothing is left. Some say we’re already nearing that moment with parts of the oceans.

  • Maybe whataboutism here but there are beagles in the UK right now waiting to be experimented on them (possibly for a new dog food brand) and eventually killed. There are billions of animals all around the world dying a slow and agonizing death, trapped in CAFO facilities right now, of whom 20% alone are getting fed to dogs in the US.

    I think some cat getting fed a well formulated vegan cat food containing taurine, vitamin A & D3, omega 3 & 6, magnesium, copper, iodine, selenium, manganese, zink & calcium is astronomically better off than any aforementioned animals.

    I fed a cat I had to take in for some time the AMI brand. She was wild for it.

  • The playbook for Project 2025 is about 1000 pages long. A think tank with decades of experience about US politics is behind it. Heritage Foundation heavily influenced a lot of policies of past GOP presidents.

    In a german podcast I recently heard about a few of the keypoints of their plans. Let me just say: 2017 wasn’t the most important election in the USA. It’s this year. Especially when regarding what’s happening in Europe and also with the climate. The world can’t afford “Drill baby drill” or guys like DeSantis getting blank checks and other foobar situations like mask bans everywhere or leaving NATO.

    If you’re not considering Dark Brandon you’re just not informed enough.

  • Someone in the comments to the original twitter-thread showed the Claude solution for above “riddle”. It was equally sane as in your example, correctly answered that the man and the goat can just row together to the other side and correctly identified that there are no hidden restrictions like other items to take aboard. It nevertheless used an excessive amount of text (like myself here).

    Gemini: The man rows the goat across.

    Work ethics 404

  • boomzilla@programming.devtoComics@lemmy.mlXXX
    6 months ago

    I’m not into that topic. According to a quick search the exhaust fumes method is working because of Carbon Monoxide (CO) and not Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Wasn’t there a redditor who did not recognize he was killing himself with CO and other redditors saved his life?

    I’ve also found a pretty repulsive study done on piglets about the ideal gas for euthanization. It found a 2-step procedure with N2O (Nitrous Oxide) + O2 (Oxygen) as an anesthetic for 12 min followed by killing via CO2 was the most stress-free method.

    The activists are protesting against the CO2 method in the UK currently. And I hope the management of the respective companies get public hell for it. I don’t know if it’s used in other countries too.

  • boomzilla@programming.devtoComics@lemmy.mlXXX
    6 months ago

    Absolutely nothing peaceful about it. Pigs in UK are killed with CO2 and it’s harrowing. The only advantage is that slaughterhouse workers don’t need to look their victims in the eyes while it happens. The pigs get lowered into a gaschamber where they proceed to shit themselves and scream their lungs out while fighting for up to 3 minutes of their miserable lives. You can find a pretty recent documentation about it called Pignorant by vegan activists who infiltrated those facilities. They’ve also protested in front of the HQs of those companies (e.g. Pilgrims) by playing back the audio from the gas chambers.

  • There have been 21 lethal attacks of wolves on humans in the recorded history of North America EVER and 2 lethal attacks in the last century.


    The reintroduction of wolves transformed the ecosystem of Yellowstone for good. They not only hunt but disperse ruminants so they don’t concentrate on specific locations and interrupt plantlife there. They hunt weak prey, maybe those that suffer from illness (like CWD) already. They leave carrion for scavengers who can spread seeds of specific trees like willows which also had a comeback in Yellowstone. Through dispersing the ruminants they enabled the comeback of the beaver who also worked towards restoring the plantlife via new waterways.


    I’m from Europe but I see the stupidity and sadism of North Americans especially in Wyoming, North- and South Dakota, Montana, Utah & Pennsylvania everyday on my timeline. The depicted case is no singular event. They systematically hunt down apex predators like foxes, wolves, coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions and also very advantageous animals like oppossums (ticks) and beavers (preventing wildfires and restoring nature) and racoons (pestcontrol).

    The images I’ve seen made by Pennsylvanian firefighters(!) hunting down foxes in fundraising hunting events were just harrowing.

    Then those sick in the head hunters & trappers and their spoiled kids pose themselves as the only viable solution to regulating overpopulating tick-ridden ruminants or the recent superboar infestation after they killed of all their natural predators.

    I wish them good luck with CWD and Alpha-Gal ticks in deers when they’ve exterminated the species that could effectively render CWD harmless:


    But thank god your precious livestock can live. Who needs the 4% wild animals (opposed to the 60% of livestock biomass)?