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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Yes of course it’ll work fine.

    I use a third gen i5 laptop as a daily driver and run mid-poly count cad and cam, host windows vms and do everything else but play games that people expect out of a computer (no time for games nowadays).

    Look into installing more ram and ssds in the old desktops and they’ll skip along happily for another decade or until mainline kernels drop support for their instruction set. I’m running Debian and rhel (seriously look into this, they have programs to get cheap licenses into the hands of educational institutions and provide good support) but probably anything is fine, just figure out account security so kids don’t go around copy and pasting whatever stack exchanges llm suggests into bash.

    E: I read the rest of the thread and there’s a lot of “this worked for my computers/this worked for me” advice. Not hating, I literally gave that exact advice myself.

    Call red hat sales if you’re in the us, I guess suse sales if you’re in europe or india. They’ll most likely set you up with a pilot program license and if not they’ll walk you through the process of creating one or two accounts to work around the “ten free machines but then you gotta pay” limitation.

    You’ll be able to sell it to administration as “this program gets students in the drivers seat of the systems used for stem research, ai and android development for minimal upgrade cost and no new units. Developing familiarity with these systems will give students who pursue those studies a tangible advantage over their peers.”

    If you have coworkers in computer education or it, sell it to them as a path to get more certs at a reduced or nonexistent cost (red hat and suse have their own cert programs that they use for training like ms and cisco do).

    Good luck!

  • It would be cool to have as much information about the icon design and window decorations of those oses as we have about the windows startup sound (look the making of that up sometime if you want to know the absolute heights of decadence software development hit and what Microsoft could do when they were really trying to compete with Apple).

    Reading back, I was a jerk in my response to you, getting all “well actually” over a meme about 90s kids because it used the wrong name for the language of different designs.

    Mea culpa. Im sorry.

  • If you hewed to the ops memes incorrect description, Memphis would have been the 80s and mid 90s. It’s interesting that the meme takes into consideration the concept of the long 70s but then just goes back to ten year distinctions. windows 3 (I assume you’re not talking about the early dos shell stuff because no one ever is and you put it squarely amongst the contemporaries of 95, but I’ll give the benefit of the doubt since we’re talking design language) went from ‘90-2003 (with ME) macos 7-9 spanned ‘91-2001 and beos was 95-2000.

    It’s possible you aren’t sticking to that flawed understanding though, so let’s talk about design language and Memphis. You’re right that designs are informed by their tools and mediums. For Memphis group those tools were drafting paper and those mediums were chipboard and naugahide. Memphis group made couches and shelves, not software or digital art.

    Now that’s not to say that only stuff from a specific cadre of Italian designers made during a short period is Memphis and everything else is sparkling crayon scribbles, only that the stuff we actually recognize as Memphis wasn’t pixel art by any measure.

    Most of what is in the meme under Memphis isn’t even Memphis though, it’s pop art. I think the pants are a haring print…

    With all that said, what about windows (were you talking about windows 3+?), macos 7-9 and beos would you say were sparkling crayon scribbles, pop art or genuinely drawing from the design language of the Memphis group?

  • so if the whole argument youre making is that people shouldn’t have children because then they have more time to devote to fulfilling the campsite rule is anyone actually doing that?

    Is there any indication that the time and energy people spend on families wouldn’t just be spent doing anything else in the world?

    if you want some good examples of incentives for the bourgeois classes to encourage antinatalism, look at wages by sector in any country that has a low replacement rate. businesses benefit in the long term from hiring immigrant workers and temporary workers because there are fewer native workers who tend to demand higher pay and benefits.

    the word in biology for reproductive strategies where many individuals work to ensure the success of others offspring with no intention of reproducing themselves is “eusociality”. it’s what bees and ants have.

  • The first like five minutes or something of the shows first episode has the main character explaining how he feels like he got into the mob after the good days, that it’s all downhill.

    I brought it up to establish that the kind of thinking you’re doing isn’t new. The way it does that is not just by simply being 25 years old, but the context of that monologue: he’s going into therapy to address his feelings. Because therapy and the ideas that everything’s going to shit and you’re late to the party we’re already well established concepts by the 1990s.

    So a 25 year old show can traffic in those ideas not as cutting edge thought, but as old well trod ground so much so that the very ways society addresses those ideas are ripe for satire.

    That’s not to say that there wasn’t a winnowing down of the opportunities presented to Americans that coincided with the dot com boom and bust, just that the idea that things are going downhill isn’t anything new. The world has been ever darkening for decades now and as I said before, people don’t hate their parents for bringing them into the world.

    Now you had a long response to this and I’m not going to argue that your experiences are wrong. We have different experiences though, and we have different conclusions about them.

    It’s not easy to adopt. The poorer you are, the harder it is. When you look into the process of adoption closer than “I want a kid”, there are some serious systemic issues that crop up. I’m not arguing that it’s not worth adopting, just that an ethical person considering adoption might end up working within the foster system instead. If that gives you an idea of how fucked the adoption industry is, that’s kinda what I was going for.

    I would also question the tactical usefulness of antinatalism when it’s a strategy embraced by the bourgeoisie to extract more out of the downhill trend. There’s no need to pay people enough to support a family when it’s a completely legitimate choice not to reproduce (never mind that people who don’t have enough money to support a family never get to exercise that choice).

    If the group destroying the future is making short term money on people not having kids, who’s really being helped by not having kids?

    If our goal is the emancipation of the working class, how does embracing the destruction specifically of that class by giving up on reproducing that class move us toward that emancipation?

    The amount of labor involved in social reproduction is significant, but has literally never stopped people from participating in collective action in the past. I can’t help but look at your argument that people can’t work to change society if they have to do family labor as absurd and ahistorical.

    I mean, look at the panthers, their most significant program was feeding children.

    I gotta take a moment and respond directly to your personal attack that I lead a very privileged life. I’m not gonna get into the poverty Olympics or dox myself, but you don’t know me or anything about my life.

  • Idk about you but I watched the sopranos senior year of high school, and the premise of that show is literally “the party’s over”. I still love my parents.

    No one hates their parents for having them.

    The idea that energy spent protesting or engaging with work to change our global system is premised on two plainly false underlying ideas, that more time spent will result in faster or broader change (or any change at all) and that people can’t do two things.

    My parents had hobbies, one of my childhood friends parents was always out at some protest or other.

    Theres obviously room to work towards a better society while also raising children.