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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • FWIW I will never get the hypocrisy over race-based groups being fine for anyone but white people in the west lol. Yes, in reality the white group is always a quasi-neo nazi group once you pull a couple layers away in the west… but…

    I’m just waiting for the pendulum to swing the other way on it. You’ll get real-deal white people only groups just to poke a hole in the hypocrisy of the other groups ala The Satanic Temple. It’ll just be a bunch of white people talking about their personal heritage of trailer park trash customs, video games, football legends, and maybe literal Folk European History lol. Then again I suppose that was kinda why the Supreme Court struck down Affirmative Action. Can’t discriminate based on X.

  • Just made me think. Do the animals that win so much become smart because they’re the top, or do they become smart then hit the top of the food chain?

    Always column a and b… but I can almost guarantee mammalian apex predators get smarter the higher they are on the food chain due to increased and varied food supplies. Giving it a better and stronger reinforcement mechanism for increased intelligence…


    Ants, bees, humans, orcas, wolves, elephants, birbs…

    I suppose the key is making sure to have pack behavior too. Loners like Crocs, great whites, etc too good to need to adapt plus aren’t social.