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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Regarding tauri: One and a half years ago I looked into it as a potential alternative to using electron.

    Back then I had to decide against it for my use case, because when the goal is that it’s a cross platform app, then one has to make sure that whatever “webview version” is used on all target OS, they all have to support the features one needs re one’s own app codebase. Back then I needed some “offscreen canvas” feature that chromium supported (hence electron), but which webkit2gtk (used on Linux) didn’t at the time.


    So it’s not always easy to give a clear recommendation on using tauri over electron. One really has to get somewhat clear on what kind of “webview requirements” the resp. app will have.

    But I do hope this will (or maybe already is) less of an issue in upcoming years (things are moving fast after all).

  • I went through setting up netdata for a sraging (in progression for a production) server not too long ago.

    The netdata docs were quite clear on that fact that the default configuration is a “showcase configuration”, not a “production ready configuration”!

    It’s really meant to show off all features to new users, who then can pick what they actually want. Great thing about disabling unimportant things is that one gets a lot more “history” for the same amount of storage need, cause there are simply less data points to track. Similar with adjusting the rate which it takes data points. For instance, going down from default 1s internal to 2s basically halfs the CPU requirement, even more so if one also disables the machine learning stuff.

    The one thing I have to admit though is that “optimizing netdata configs” really isn’t that quickly done. There’s just a lot of stuff it provides, lots of docs reading to be done until one roughly gets a feel for configuring it (i.e. knowing what all could be disabled and how much of a difference it actually makes). Of course, there’s always a potential need for optimizations later on when one sees the actual server load in prod.

  • bellsDoSing@lemm.eetoLinux@lemmy.mlKDE 6 FOR ARCH LINUX IS HEREEEEEEE
    4 months ago

    Same here! Been using manjaro for more than 5 years by now on all my dev machines and I really like not being overrun by updates.

    Once you form the habit of checking latest “stable update” forum thread (the eqivalent of checking the arch frontpage before an upgrade) and check for potential “manual interventions” (if any), then it gives you suprisingly good stability. But it’s still rolling release and “pretty current”.

    And stability simply becomes more of a factor once your metaphorical “plate” becomes choke full and the last thing you want from your underlying OS is to act up on its own due to an update.

  • Coincidentally, I happen to have been reading into SEO more in depth this week. Specifically official SEO docs by google:


    To be clear, SEO isn’t about tricking search engines per se. First and foremost it’s about optimizing a given website so that the crawling and indexing of the website’s content is working well.

    It’s just that various websites have tried various “tricks” over time to mislead the crawling, indexing and ultimately the search engine ranking, just so their website comes up higher and more often than it should based on its content’s quality and relevancy.

    Tricks like:

    • keyword stuffing
    • hidden content just visible to crawlers

    Those docs linked above (that link is just part of much more docs) even mention many of those “tricks” and explicitely advise against them, as it will cause websites to be penalized in their ranking.

    Well, at least that’s what the docs say. In the end it’s an “arms race” between search engines and trickery using websites.

  • Just looked it up a bit: https://microsoft.github.io/monaco-editor/

    AFAIU, monaco is just about the editor part. So if an electron application doesn’t need an editor, this won’t really help to improve performance.

    Having gone through learning and developing with electron myself, this (and the referenced links) was a very helpful resource: https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/tutorial/performance

    In essence: “measure, measure, measure”.

    Then optimize what actually needs optimizing. There’s no easy, generic answer on how to get a given electron app to “appear performant”. I say “appear”, because even vscode leverages various strategies to appear more performant than it might actually be in certain scenarios. I’m not saying this to bash vscode, but because techniques like “lazy loading” are simply a tool in the toolbox called “performance tuning”.

    BTW: Not even using C++ will guarantee a performant application in the end, if the application topic itself is complex enough (e.g. video editors, DAWs, etc.) and one doesn’t pay attention to performance during development.

    All it takes is to let a bunch of somewhat CPU intensive procedures pile up in an application and at some point it will feel sluggish in certain scenarios. Only way out of that is to measure where the actual bottlenecks are and then think about how one could get away with doing less (or doing less while a bunch of other things are going on and then do it when there’s more of an “idle” time), then make resp. changes to the codebase.

  • Yeah, that browser zoom. And I too used / use Firefox. I’m not saying these kind of sites are common, but nevertheless I’ve encountered them occasionally. Back then, the most pragmatic workaround was to use desktop zooming of Xfce.

    My intention on the previous comment was simply to give some examples of desktop zooming that go beyond the typical accessibility viewpoint (e.g. vision impairment).

  • Yeah, AFAIR, the issue of “windows messing up grub” could happen when it’s installed on the same disk (e.g. on a laptop with one disk). Something about it overwriting the “MBR sector”. At least that was a problem back before UEFI.

    I too have been dual booting Windows 10 and Linux for many years now, each having their own physical disk, Linux one always being first in boot order. Not once did a Windows 10 update mess up grub for me with this setup.

  • Not the same as “on demand zooming”, which let’s one stick with a high, native resolution, but zoom in when required (e.g. websites with small text that can’t be zoomed via browser’s font size increase; e.g. referencing some UI stuff during UI design, without having to take a screenshot and pasting + zooming it in e.g. GIMP).