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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Like others have commented, unlimited texting has been available in most phone plans for the better part of a decade now; I’d struggle to name a place that offers plans without it.

    As for the accented characters, that’s something I personally don’t encounter much as a native English speaker. I obviously can’t speak for those who do need those keyboards, but for me it’s not a problem.

    With regards to encryption/privacy, I can’t say that’s a concern I’ve personally had regarding my texts. Could the government read my messages? Probably, but all they’re getting is cute cat pics and random chatter about games and food and whatnot. Again, that’s another aspect that’s probably more of a concern for people in more sensitive situations, but I can’t speak for them.

  • I can see how creators who are solely on Patreon will benefit from the additional features, but I’m curious about how widely they’ll be adopted by those who post on multiple platforms. If you have a YouTube channel and use Patreon for members-only content, for example, using the Patreon chat feature would exclude the non-member portion of your community from those conversations. While this is a good alternative for those who specifically want member-only chat areas, I don’t see it replacing tools like Discord any time soon.

    Also, having the member profiles on by default definitely made me pause when I got the email a few weeks ago. I know some people will enjoy that feature, but I personally went in and immediately turned it off.

  • My response comes down to what I feel the other person’s intent is. If they’re a troll, I don’t engage to begin with - downvote and move on. If we entered into a conversation but I find that they’re arguing in bad faith (they want to argue, not reach an understanding), then I say something like “I’m not going to argue with you about it, but I appreciate your perspective” (even if I don’t). If it seems like it could be a useful disagreement, though, I’ll consciously remind myself that there’s a person behind the text, and I’ll continue the conversation until it reaches an end. It may be uncomfortable, but remembering that we’re all just humans being human helps me tone myself down.

  • As someone who grew up in the US, from my perspective it’s less a question of “how good of a job did they do” and more a question of “did they do so poorly that I’m okay with them not making enough money to pay their bills or buy food this week.” Not that my single tip is going to make that difference, of course, but at least in my circles the thought is that delivery drivers and waitstaff are paid poorly enough that tips are needed even for average service. It’s not a great system and I’m all for changing it to making tipping truly optional, but in the meantime I’d rather tip even subpar service than contribute toward someone’s financial worries.

  • In general, I tip a flat $5 for food deliveries (pizza, Uber Eats, etc.) and $10 for grocery deliveries since they have to carry more stuff to my door. I may do more than that for special circumstances, but I find tipping the same amount every time makes it easier for me to ensure it’s fair across the board and I haven’t shorted anyone. That said, I’m only ever ordering for myself - I’d probably adjust amounts if the orders were for multiple people and routinely had a lot of items.

  • I agree, and I would extend this thought to also include situations where it’s simply the wrong audience for your post. The content itself may not have anything wrong with it, but if you post a casual joke or comment without much depth in a community that’s built on deep conversations and well thought out replies, for example, you’re likely to be downvoted simply because the context wasn’t appropriate.