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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • I know this seems like needless cruelty towards the most marginalized people in our society, but think about it this way:

    If Biden accomplishes the republican agenda better than Trump, that means moderate republicans will vote Biden. And everyone on the left has to vote Biden anyway. This is why Biden has the highest approval rating ever.

    It’s crazy how the president can get around congress whenever they want to, but only to do bad things.

    Edit: In case anyone didn’t get the sarcasm, moderate republicans will never vote for diet-fascism when they can have the real thing, and carrying out the republican agenda just makes your base stay home, since the only argument that can be made is “Well Trump might do the same thing but worse”. This is both cruel and dumb.

  • having to buy the radioactive materials from dictatorships

    Not really, but also kinda. The biggest exporters of ore are Kazakhstan, Namibia, Canada, and Australia.

    The only major producers that aren’t American puppets stripping themselves of resources to maintain western hegemony are Russia, Niger, China, and India, who total less than 15%.

    I wouldn’t call Russia or India not-dictatorships, but I don’t see them using US weapons and training to put down a restive population and keep the resources and money flowing out like Kazakstan.

  • all large projects have this level of corruption and grift

    Skill issue. I can’t even blame capitalism, since the french manage to get almost 90% of their power from nuclear.

    China has 53 GW installed, 25 GW under construction, and another 47 GW planned. Generally they’re pretty clear-eyed when it comes to major projects like this, so I think we can infer the availability of cheap hydro and solar doesn’t favor doing more than ~15% nuclear since they’re only planning to increase it by 150% over the next couple decades.

    Maybe that will change when they set up long term storage/reprocessing.

  • It’s been increasing what with the guys who say “We speak for all jews” bombing a populace of mostly children.

    Which in itself is wildly antisemtic, like zionists are doing two different antisemetic tropes at once with that one, duel loyalty and blood libel, and saying that their actions are representative of all jews.

    But that’s been Israel’s strategy for ages, hence why they work with antisemites like Victor Orban to ensure that there is no safe place for diaspora jews.

    But also zionists love to conflate anti-zionism with antisemitism so it’s hard to tell how frequent incidents like OP are happening and how frequently non-violent anti-zionist protests are getting called antisemetic violence.