Greetings from 1990s Japan.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (*´∀`*) ( ^ω^ )
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(つД`)ノ ( ̄◇ ̄; )( ´_ゝ`)
You are, and you’re probably right.
It’s a shame that Flash is already dead. Because Punch Bin Laden-style ads would be EVERYWHERE.
It’s a WWII shooter, so at first you’re just mowing down Nazi cannon fodder, But Wolfenstein in particular deals with Nazis that were researching the occult and bioscience to create supersoldiers. What if all that mumbo jumbo was real? That’s Wolfenstein.
iPhone 5 / original SE was a good design, and a good size, but it was also the first iPhone I had to buy a case for because it was so damn light and thin it was hard to handle compared to the thicker, glass-plated 4.
Green cake layered between silver icing makes it actually look like the inside of a cube. Someone put extra effort into that one.
Baby’s first Borgeque.
Trump’s wife is right there.
Not even the real Hitler, a cheap VHS dub.
Personal answer:
Internet points answer:
Most mosquito bites I get I don’t find out about until hours later.
KFC bucket on fire
2026 Olympic flame.
That’s already how I use regular forks.
“Seven circles! There ARE seven circles!”
Now that is headcanon I can get behind.
Tholian: “Hehehe, make the inside white so you easily see them bleeeeed!”
Waffen ICE-ICE
But they do know you have an amazing singing voice.
“Please reconnect mouse to continue.”
Part of my top ten TNG episodes.
The only use of a Runabout in the series, the first time we get to see how Romulan ships are powered, outstanding job getting the cast and scores of extra to stand perfectly still while filming scenes, open ending that doesn’t resolve or completely explain what was happening.
You also forgot a third, and more popular meme is also from this episode: