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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • About 20 years ago I was so outraged by Bonsai Kitten that I asked a friend’s mom to help me write letters to ISPs and law enforcement to try to get it taken down.

    It was a site with pictures of cats in glass jars, but it had very graphic details about how they supposedly kept cats alive in jars and grew them into weird shapes… I still think it’s pretty tasteless, but it was clearly someone’s idea of satire. It felt like a big deal back then, but these days it would be nothing more than a bad meme.

  • From the World of Tanks wiki page for the Tiger P (Porsche variant), so take this with a grain of salt, but:

    On May 26, 1941, Adolf Hitler ordered Ferdinand Porsche and the Henschel company to develop prototypes of a new heavy tank. The prototypes were shown to the Führer on April 20, 1942. Manufacturing began, but the production run was cut short due to the complexity of the tank’s drive and control systems, and a shortage of the required copper. Later, 90 produced hulls were converted into Ferdinand tank destroyers.