Apparently stow -t
exist too.
Apparently stow -t
exist too.
should just be help
(avoid extra step)connect
does not exist (see add
and cmd list)git clone <REPO> <DEST FOLDER>
, no need to cd
is not used each time, there are some mkdir
set -euxo pipefail
at the start of the script if you want to exit at any error. Some sort of bash strict models
’s outputI’m too lazy to open issues/PR for all that, and I still need to learn stow
. Hopfully this might help me ? (I don’t really need help with git
that this sçript look to abstract too much for me.)
Thanks. I think your message is not very clear at first (since I did not know about “nav mesh”). But reading Wikipedia is clear now. It also helped me find the official page (added the link in the post).
Sadly I can’t recommand pop-os. In 2 years, the updates broke twice on me.
The resolutions where simple enough if you can use the command line to run sudo apt update
, sudo apt upgrade
. But the GUI shop updater just crashed on me without the apt error message visible.
It is a nice distro overall with which you can even try tiled windows without commiting to it.
-> pop-os is nice but it may break from times to times. So if (like me or most dev) you are ok with the CLI and just a bit of fixes from times to times then go for it. But if you are affraid of the CLI or never want to fix anything, then some other distro may be a better choice.
On that note, I’m hesitant between writing my scripts in perl or python right now. Bash prevent sharing with Windows peoples… I just want to provide easy wrappers tools that are usually aroud 10 lines of shell, but testers ain’t on linux so they cannot use them.
I don’t know perl, but each time I interract with pyton’s projects I have a different venv/poetry/… to setup. Forget adout it the next time and nothing is kept easy to reuse.
Why does it needs mic permission?
and you won’t use At “just” for a bit of concurrency. Right ?
Is “At” a typo?
Yes I wanted to talk about the Qt Framework. But with that much ways to do concurrency in the language’s core, I suspect you would use this framework for more than just its signal/slots feature. Like if you want their data structures, their network or GUI stack, …
I’m not using Python, but I love to know the quirks of each languages.
Wow coming from C++/Rust I was about to answer that both are parallelism. I did not knew about python’s GIL. So I suppose this is the preferred way to do concurrency, there is no async/await, and you won’t use Qt “just” for a bit of concurrency. Right ?
We learn a little bit everyday. Thanks!
I’m on Linux and a prebuit PC would be a nice change. But at the same price or lower than Windaube, since I don’t want a licence for them.
I will prefer to build myself rather than paying an extra k…