Black belt in Mikado, Photo model, for the photos where they put under ‘BEFORE’

  • 78 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 25th, 2021


  • Zerush@lemmy.mlOPtoOpen Source@lemmy.mlReviOS
    1 month ago

    As I said before, ReviOS isn’t a OS as such. In Windows I used the Hellzerg Optimizer to gut privacy invading parts, services and nags. Well ReviOS is something similar, but in extremis, leaving Windows with just enough to function as an OS, without unnecessary functions, services and telemetries, with the half of its default size. But independent if you use the ReviOS setup or ISO, you need Windows first, precisely because RevisionOS isn’t a OS as such.

  • Zerush@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlEmpty space around web pages
    1 month ago

    Well, its to spoof the screenresolution fingerprint, but it is absurd. Yes they can see which screen resolution you use, the same as 500 millones of other users. Spoofing some fingerprints is needed on the web, but some fingerprints are needed for websites to work as they should. Spoofing tecnical details have nothing to do with better privacy, it only make your webexperience worse, because some pages don’t work well or simply don’t work. Yes, they know that I live in Spain as other 40 millon users, showing the website in my lenguage and not in Japones when I use an VPN. Yes they know the OS I use, the same of 50% the internet user. They know my public IP and my ISP when I don’t use an VPN, but this only shows the ubication of the ISP server, not my real one. Only fingerprints which permits track my real personal identity must be spoofed or randomized, all other is using an tin foil hat and only serve as slogan for “the most Private Browser”, Eff org is nice, but it want that people use their PrivacyBadger. They say that I have an unique Fingerprint, but looking after this in the details, yes I have an unique fingerprint, but in every visit of the page a different one. Because of this I prefer to use Browserleaks to adjust muy privacy settings, way better and easier.

  • Zerush@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlBlogging in the AI era
    1 month ago

    You can embed images, using Markdown ![](image URL), same as here in Lemmy, also several themes. But yes, it isn’t part of the fediverse.

    Another possibility, if you have an own host, is using the Blue Velvet Editor, its a complete wordprozessor which works right in your browser (PC and Mobile), it saves the documents locally in Html format by default. So you can upload it as is to an host, as webpage. Free, private, no account and blazing fast.

    Screenshot Blue Velvet Editor

  • Zerush@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlBlogging in the AI era
    1 month ago

    Maybe, very simple but I think enough for writing stories, it’s free, OpenSource and private.

    • A privacy-first, no-nonsense, super-fast blogging platform
    • No trackers, no javascript, no stylesheets. Just your words.
    • This is a blogging platform where words matter most.
    • Shun the bloat of the current web, embrace the bear necessities.
    • Looks great on any device
    • Tiny (~2.7kb), optimized, and awesome pages
    • No trackers, ads, or scripts
    • Seconds to sign up
    • Connect your custom domain
    • Free themes
    • RSS & Atom feeds
    • Built to last forever