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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • I don’t remember much about plex photos, but facial (and object) recognition, photo map, easy sharing through albums (without the other person needing an account), and being open source are some features I imagine plex photos does not have.

    it seems barebones still, because it is a very young app, and the UI is not great, especially on mobile.

    It is the best replacement for Google photos that I have seen though.

  • +1 to immich

    However, because of the fast dev cycle, it has a lot of breaking changes, and needs regular maintenance (most notably for me, postgres docker changes. Especially if you are not giving it it’s own postgres instance and using their provided docker compose.)

    You could stay pegged to a single version, but the mobile app also doesn’t have full backwards compatibility with server versions, which results in a slew of other problems (how do I do a fresh install of an older app version on a new device?)

    But if you are willing to keep up and perform semi-regular maintenance, immich is great, and the rapid dev cycle means more new features faster!

  • As others have said, Canadian McDonald’s now has the old Tim Hortons coffee, and the new Tim Hortons coffee tastes like they brewed it with water they collected from a puddle in the parking lot.

    Presumably McDonald’s has different suppliers in other countries though.

  • Was this AI trained on an unbalanced dataset (only black folks?)

    It’s probably the opposite. the AI was likely trained on a dataset of mostly white people, and thus more easily able to distinguish between white people.

    It’s a problem in ML that has been seen before, especially for companies based in the US where it is just easier to find a large amount of white people as opposed to people of other skin colors.

    It’s really not dissimilar to how people work either, humans are generally more able to distinguish between two people who are races that they grew up with. You’ll make more mistakes when trying to identify people of races you aren’t as familiar with too.

    The problem is when the police use these tools as an authoritative matching algorithm.

  • bartenders, truckers, and security guards all make less than $85k on average. Hell, the average salary for a geological engineer is $81k in the US.

    Yet if a bartender makes a wrong call on a person’s age, they lose their license, if a trucker accidentally dozes off during an 8 hr drive, that’s the end of their career, and a security guard causing excessive harm would get their license revoked.

    Yet somehow, you’re saying cops should be allowed to sic dogs on people who have their hands in the air and are clearly unarmed, while not losing their ability to continue being a cop. This would literally be a war crime if it was done during a war.

  • If a doctor makes a decision and hurts a patient, they could be sued, and can lose their medical license.

    If an engineer makes an incorrect call that kills someone, they get sued, and can lose their status as an engineer.

    If a lawyer offers incorrect legal advice, they can be sued and lose their right to practice.

    Basically every profession that has some sort of certification / qualification process will revoke that qualification if the professional strays from their guidelines, yet we still have tons of engineers, lawyers, doctors, psychologists, nurses, bartenders, etc


  • All the suggestions here are good for a complete beginner with no knowledge of coding, but I wanted to just add that once you get some experience and are more confident with your google-fu, I would suggest looking at the problem from the other side, and look for things you want to improve in your life first, and find ways to do that with code, rather than the other way around. It will help you stay more engaged with your project, and you’ll retain more knowledge.

    i.e. I hate guessing which parking lots around my school / office / apartment are full every day -> make a web scraper that scrapes parking lot occupancy and compiles it all in one place


    I keep forgetting to water my plants -> hook up a raspberry pi to a solenoid, and code up something to water the plants for you

    I’ve found that to be a much better approach than going the opposite direction


    I need to learn how to write embedded code -> write an Arduino control loop that keeps dog bowl topped up.
