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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2020


  • I said this at launch, you cannot do early access with an established IP. The agreement is a reduced price because you’re paying to get in on the ground floor before it actually gets good. But for an established IP you’ve already built your audience, so most people are going to buy on day 1 at the reduced price, so the “reduced price” has to basically be full price. Now you’re paying full price for an unfinished game because Take Two pushed them to release an unfinished game that had been delayed by years.

    It was doomed from the start.

  • Oh my god this entire thread sucks. Norway isn’t fucking socialist and we should not aspire to be it because capital still reigns. You can’t have a mixed economy, either capitalists have power or they don’t. And OP, capitalism really is working great for the millions who starve to death every year or die of preventable diseases. The West benefits from wealth extracted from poor nations where such happens, we wouldn’t enjoy such a quality of life if not for their bodies. That’s a fucked up system. Much of what you hear about former socialist countries is actual propaganda because guess what, capitalists rule the world. You are not immune to propaganda.

  • Fusion won’t be the silver bullet people tout it as for much of the same reasons as fission isn’t (mostly politics). No politician wants to spend billions of dollars on something that is going to take a decade to even be functional and another decade to break even. It would get cheaper with scale, but so would fission, we just never let it get there. It also still produces radioactive waste, despite what proponents claim, and it even produces more radioactive waste than a fission reactor by volume. But it isn’t as long-lived.

    These are the same tired arguments we hear about fission. If your country isn’t actively building fission, it’s probably not going to build fusion, aside from demonstrations.