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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I suppose I walked into that one. Though those are big words. It doesn’t explain anything, however. Once again, you seem to be parroting. Understanding is the key here, which is what I meant under it all.

    You see, the issue we face today, one of many in fact, is that people tend to read a headline, listen to a sentence, do “research” all in the name of confirming their personal theories or perspectives, not challenge them. Thus why I ask.

    Because most won’t have the slightest idea, though they sure will be able to repeat what they heard.

  • I think, probably…spending many hours over a few weeks helping people experience and love Journey after I got my White Robe. Twirling around on the sand dunes, exploring strange places, avoiding danger, and finally seeing them pass through that mountain.

    For me every time someone stuck it out added to the memories and I hope each of them remembers that chirpy white robed player who made the game just a little more fun.

  • I treat AI the same way I’ve always treated Google: WITH ABSOLUTE DISDAIN Using them as a shove in the right direction and for research purposes to supplement research already being done. ChatGPT for instance is actually pretty decent at figuring out vaguely defined things if worked through. Is it perfect? Hell no. It can help narrow down the options though.