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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I was planning a long road trip that I could have done all at once, but decided to break into two days with a hotel stay somewhere near the middle. I was on a bit of a budget, so when I found a room for ~$60, I was thrilled.

    When I got there, the shower handle was plumbed backwards (so the “Cold” direction was hot), the first towel on the rack had brown splatters that were very clearly old blood stains, and while I was showering a big roach wandered up onto the lip of the shower like “S’up, bro,” then meandered off like he did this sort of thing every day.

    The bed was about as cushy as a gym floor mat, the pillows were bricks, and when I sat down on the desk chair to put on my shoes, the whole thing just about collapsed under me.

    The review I left said: “The best $10 hotel room that $60 can buy,” and since then I just make all my road trips in one go if I can’t afford to spend at least $100 for a hotel room.

  • The way you’ve phrased the question, it sounds like you’re asking if we do it on the regular, like stepping on the scale or trying on old pants. Like it’s something we keep track off as a part of our routine.

    In which case, no. I do not measure my penis.

    I have measured my penis, once or maybe twice, back during the period of time I could reasonably expect it to still be working on attaining its final dimensions. Unsurprisingly, it turned out to be perfectly average.

    The question “Have you ever measured your penis?” will get you entirely different results than the question “Do you [‘do’ as in currently, in a continuing manner] measure your penis?”

  • I am not a finance guy; this is my kindergarten-level understanding of the situation:

    When the interest rates were hovering down around 0%, it was a no-brainer for VC firms to shotgun money out to everyone who walked past their office building. Most VC money doesn’t come from some rich dude’s pocket; it comes from banks and hedge funds and other deeply-market-tied entities. If any one startup they’ve invested in can win the profit lottery, the VCers will massively beat the rate of return they’d get for anything else. One big success can cover a dozen small failures, and, anyway, a business isn’t a failure until it’s a failure.

    Now that interest rates are rapidly moving higher, those startup investments are less of a good deal. VC money is more expensive. VC firms are starting to close out their positions on start-ups that aren’t beating them market, because they want to stick their money somewhere more reliably profitable.