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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I have no disagreement with your assertion, aside from the neglected aspect of in terms of energy in Vs energy out; the research is likely to help inform nuclear weapons design, yet if they are able to achieve more energy out than in (3mj out Vs 2mj in (though of course they required 300mj to run the lasers to produce this reaction)) then they are providing important data that may help inform different future designs of power generating fusion reactors, this is something that current other designs don’t appear to have achieved afaik.

    I doubt they will ever really use this style as a functional form of power generation, but if what they learn from the research allows eventually for a longer functioning fusion reaction that has an overall positive energy output, then it may be rather valuable.

  • I read through the link, both the details on the air forces vehicle plans and the ‘encounter’ later.

    This one is odd but I do still wonder what the feasible explanations of this may be.

    The smell of sulphur can be cause by many things, including burning vulcanised rubber or geological activety. The radiation might be explainable, but I have no indication of what the readings were (background and of the area/objects/burns), which makes it more hard to make any suggestions. Though his injuries did immediately make me think radiation exposure…

    Lastly, the molten metal recovered from the site.

    What is the composition of the metal? And if they say they pried it from a crack in the rock, the shape that it has taken is too perfect… The angle on each bend is near identical, and the length of each straight is once again identical (something screams not pulled from a natural crack in rock to me).

    Nothing concrete can be explained by this, but it is intriguing…

  • …Like you realise most secondary schools have the set of responsibilities and expectations on a single page that the child will sign in year 7, right?

    It’s basically just symbolic and of course you can choose to not sign it and will still go to the school, but to say that they never agreed to it, atleast in my experience is a stretch. Though obviously there is a lot more nuance in this conversation.

    The reality is underfunding of both schools, as well as sports/youth clubs, the schools being unable to make effective punishments, and parents not caring what their child gets up to both online and in school likely are the key things to blame.

    Plus the effect on the psyche of children growing up in a world which they know is fucked and seeing genuinely so little to improve it probably doesn’t help.