A middle-aged nerd from the UK. I like films and write about them, sometimes for Film Stories or my blog.

Have a great day.

  • 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Back in the day, I bought the official Xbox360 steering wheel. It made me laugh because it was called wireless. It was only wireless between itself and the Xbox. It still needed a power brick to drive the motor and another wire to connect it to the pedals.

    When I sold it, I almost made my money back because it was in high demand. MS had replaced it with that awful U shaped steering wheel that you held in the air like a Wii controller. It used sensors to tell when it was tilted. I never used one but the reviews weren’t favourable as I remember.

  • Quite enjoyed these first two episodes. Bit annoyed that Carrie Ann Moss got killed in the opening moments, though.

    However, my nitpicking got the better of me (blame autism, I do!). A fire burning on the hull of a ship. OK. The second nitpick was when the Jedi was on the lookout with his binoculars from the 1st floor balcony. When it changed to the POV shot, the footage is quite clearly filmed from the ground.

    But apart from that, I enjoyed the fights and the story is quite good so far. Hopefully the quality remains constant to the end.

  • I’m so nerdy, I imported the official Malaysian VideoCD of The Phantom Menace. It was more of a collectors thing. The 4:3 mpeg video wasn’t great but it did allow me to play around editing the film.

    I edited together the light saber sequences from Duel of the Fates into one clip. Two things were revealed. Because the film cuts away to other battles, edited together the fight doesn’t naturally flow.

    Secondly, once edited together, that’s not a lot of actual lightsabering going on in terms of time iirc.

    EDITED: I Should proof read after swiping out my long text with Google keyboard!

  • I remember SotE very well. The whole thing was a major media event by Lucasfilm. There was:

    • PC and N64 game
    • Tie-in novel
    • Comic book series
    • Soundtrack CD
    • A ‘making of’ book

    Essentially, everything that would’ve been released to promote a major film but this time, there was no film. I remember the making of book well as there was a picture of the game developers playing the N64 version but their hands were in cardboard boxes. The N64 hadn’t been released yet and so they had to hide the controllers from prying eyes.