Everybody remember where we parked!"

- James T. Kirk

Ye Olde Reddit Pro-fyle (The Bad Place)

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I think that they want to go for a big, epic, nostalgia-heavy trio of specials to entice people back in before Ncuti comes into the full series next year. I saw the tower and it’s the single part of the trailer that’s sticking with me. I always loved the first RTD era for it’s somewhat grittier, critical view of UNIT in the context of the rising surveillance state of the early 2000s, so this tower seems like an extension of that viewpoint, given how entrenched said anti-terrorist dogma has gotten.

  • Because that sure didn’t seem like a ‘redeemed’ Anakin.

    I thought it did. The world between worlds is tied to the cosmic force, so “force ghost” anakin could probably appear however he wanted, so sith eyes and red saber were used because thats what Ahsoka was aftaid of, and confronting fears is very Jedi - Yoda went through a similar experience fighting a manifestation of the dark side within him. Additionally, Ahsoka’s fear was also impacting what we saw on screen - I don’t think he was choosing to flash into Vader, I think that was Ahsoka projecting.

  • this would be cool, but I could see it causing issues for places like Memory Alpha, which have a really strict and well-defined manual of style and acceptable references. I frequently see things on other wikis that you’d never see on Wookiepedia, Tardis Data Core, and/or Memory Alpha, like fanart embedded in articles, links to YouTube videos, incomplete drafts without proper tagging, etc.

    EDIT: Conversely I could really see it benefiting the smaller wikis, especially ones with lots of overlap with each other (all the various Marvel/DC wikis, the specific Clone Wars wiki separate from the main Star Wars one, etc)

  • You seem pretty optimistic about this, but I don’t think the demands will be met until the studios exhaust every trick in their playbook and are forced to negotiate.

    Well, yeah. If I wasn’t optimistic I wouldn’t be able to be involved in political discourse. On a long enough scale, the masses win. It’s literally a war of attrition, and if you start it from a position of despair or pessimism you’re setting yourself up for failure. I’m not a WGA or SAG member, but I am I fan, and it’s really heartening to think about how for instance, the YouTube Channel Star Wars Explained has been putting a disclaimer on all their Ahsoka content that it was produced during the strike, which means that many people are having their lives impacted by a strike action for the first time.

    Keep supporting the strike though.

    Exactly! My hope is that by sharing my viewpoint about what it could mean for us as fans and consumers, I prevent people from losing faith or support in the strike, because I am well aware of how the AMPTP literally had one of its reps’ say they were waiting for the strikers to start losing their homes before they went back to negotiate.

    The fact that strikes are even happening at all is heartening. The US labor movement was subservient to electoral interests, hesitant to engage in more confrontational actions for too long and it drained union membership and crippled wages.