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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2024


  • You keep using the word “animal”, but anthropomorphic cartoons are not real animals. Attraction to real animals is not what being a furry is. (You already know this, you are using the term in a loaded way in order to say one thing but mean another) (this unfortunately does not convince anyone).

    There’s nothing inherent to being a furry that demands a “delusional fantasy” (you would know this if you knew what furries are). You call yourself Deceptichum and have a transformers avatar - you may be at risk of being in a “delusional fantasy” if that’s how you want to classify the people with anonymous names and furry avatars!

    So where is the part where the “world is a worse place” because of furries?

  • Giving up when facing any opposition seems like you never really intended on improving your worldview. You just want to be hateful of things that you don’t understand. The irony of you thinking that those who oppose the LGBT are any different is not lost on me. It’s easy to punch down on things that you don’t personally like, but those are real people that you’re targeting with your malice. I’m not a furry, but I am gay, and as an LGBT member yourself you should understand the power of being an ally to a minority that often gets painted in a bad light. Doubly so when ~80% of furries are LGBTQIA+ in the first place; it’s an LGBT subculture.

  • Unhealthy designated by you, the puritan police? Do you know that the anti-LGBT people also consider being gay unhealthy? They’re drawing the line in a different place, but still playing the same role you are. Would you recommend shock therapy for furries, or is that just a cure for being gay? If you’re so concerned with how the furry fandom works you should maybe actually research your bigotry and learn that it’s massive, and no two furries express themselves in the same way. Many do not have overlapping interests at all. You are on the fediverse, so I’d suggest you get comfortable with the idea that people are allowed to exist without your permission.

  • Did you watch the video before disagreeing with it? We’ve had the concept of clickbait titles for quite a while now, so it would be silly if someone still hasn’t realized how they work. It unsurprisingly does not say that furry porn is objectively “hotter”, but moreso that it’s objectively healthier, for both participants and emotional state. There are lessons to learn by comparison and study, instead of sticking our heads in the sand and pretending that there are no problems with the porn industry.

  • There’s an unnerving lack of substance over on reddit. Recently I decided to look at reddit for the first time since last June, and every post’s comments had 1k people saying absolutely nothing worth reading. It feels like I’m reading AI-written posts that are in the uncanny valley of almost making sense and almost being on-topic. News articles have people that literally only talk about the exact words that were in the headline. Every single post’s top comments must be lame “jokes” or one-liners, and those must have several replies that riff off the joke in decreasingly-funny ways.

    I’ve picked up a strong habit of immediately looking in comment sections for good discussion and TL;DR’s on Lemmy posts and it took me a while to realize that I wasn’t actually reading anything in reddit comment sections. The words pass through my brain and nothing of value is absorbed, over and over. It feels like low-hanging fruit to say “reddit is all bots now” but there’s something seriously wrong about how it feels over there. You only really need ~10-20 top-level replies on a post to get a broad spectrum of answers, and Lemmy comment sections feel solid for the content that’s here. I wish there were more communities here (especially niche ones), but I’m grateful for what we have.

  • I recommend a dead man’s switch like Healthchecks.io, which can be selfhosted for free. Whenever you have something that’s regularly occurring, add an extra callout to your unique Healthchecks callout UUID as part of the automation, and Healthchecks will send you a notification if something misses its callout schedule. You can also attach whatever data (e.g. a log) to the callout so you can look back through the run history. IIRC Borg will give you a non-zero return code if it detects problems, so you can send e.g. https://hc-ping.com/your-uuid-here/$? and a non-zero code will signal a notification as well (more examples here).

    Also, Borgmatic is really easy to use for managing Borg repos. There’s a lot of configuration options (including Healthchecks.io integration) but you can delete like 90% of it for normal usecases.

  • For me personally, this is just the straw that broke the camel’s back. I’m not a fan of the languages it’s written in, its license, its immaturity, and that it’s mostly being developed by one person. Additional minor strike for communicating through discord. Now we learn that the most influential person on the project has some real bad vibes and it’s probably best to give this a pass as a whole.

    In my eyes the whole selling point of the browser is being an independent underdog with a clean slate, but what’s the point if we’re starting with a list of IOUs for things that are already bad out of the gate.

  • The Ladybird browser, which is highly related to this project, just did a PR event yesterday. That’s why it’s coming up years later, right after people were alerted to the project and it got more scrutiny. I appreciate knowing about this, as opposed to not knowing about it. It gives me the chance to evaluate whether I want to dedicate energy into supporting a browser primarily being developed by a sexist who thinks not being a cis male == politics.

  • For normal desktop users, yeah Debian Stable + Flatpaks is a winning combo for picking the software that you want to be cutting-edge and leaving the rest to rock-solid stability. Normally Linux distros keep a full ecosystem of packages that interop and depend on each other, but solutions like Flatpak have their own little microcosm of dependencies that can be used independently of the host distro. There are also Debian Backports for when you want native Debian packages that are more cutting-edge but still compiled to work with your older base system. Backports are not available for most packages but sometimes the important ones are available, like the Linux kernel itself. You can also try to compile your own backports, but you’ll be responsible for updating it.

  • I used Proxmox for a couple years and it’s good if you run a lot of VMs or LXCs, but I found that I’m not really the target audience. I ended up only running one Debian VM for my Docker containers. It was fine, but I eventually felt that Proxmox added no value for me, and the end result was sacrificing some memory and performance from using virtio emulations for CPU/GPU/RAM/filesystems. If your machines only have 8-16GB of RAM I don’t think it would be a good idea, as I’ve seen the rule of thumb is to dedicate 2GB for Proxmox’s usage, which is in addition to any guest OS’s requirements. Meanwhile I have a Debian install on a VPS that takes about 450MB of RAM.

    For me, pros:

    • Native ZFS support - invaluable, ZFS is terrific. MergerFS+SnapRAID is a decent replacement but the dodgy tooling and laundry list of footguns makes me nervous to use it on important data. ZFS is idiot-proof, as long as you know what you’re doing during the initial setup. RAIDZ expansion is coming this year and you can still use mixed-size disks in a RAIDZ as long as you accept that all disks are equivalent to the smallest one, so I personally feel ZFS is acceptable for grab-bag disk usage now
    • Separation of bare metal and server environment, which means you can spin up another server VM from scratch without impacting the previous one, then switch with zero downtime. In the end, I replaced Proxmox with Debian on ZFS root (ZFSBootMenu) and wrote a few hundred lines of bash to automate the installation, so when I switched it only took about 30 minutes of downtime start to finish.
    • Isolation of different environments. If my VM gets hacked, it will have a harder time reaching my Proxmox host etc. I run all services in isolated Docker environments anyway so this isn’t that big of a perk for my threat profile.


    • Partitioning RAM for ZFS ARC, Proxmox, and VM leads to inherent inefficiencies at the margins.
    • I usually give my VM n-1 CPU cores, which is still less power than if I had just used the CPU natively.
    • GPU passthroughs to VM can be less efficient, depending on the GPU and how it handles it. My iGPU is less performant when using its ~SR-IOV feature
    • Learning requirement - not a huge learning curve but it’s a lot of knowledge that I will not use now that I’ve stopped using Proxmox
    • Hosting your data pool on the Proxmox host or a dedicated data VM means that your server VM needs to use NFS to access its data, which lacks a handful of features (e.g. inotify) and is a pain
    • Need to maintain two systems for updates, downtimes, etc
    • More points of failure
    • Extra startup time
    • Run by a company that thinks it’s okay to use winrar-style nag popups every time you load the console, and requires you to manually dig through the source to disable that. I understand it’s their business model, it doesn’t change how it affects me the end user who lacks $120/year to spend on disabling a popup