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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • This is a bad outlook, there are plenty of low risk investment strategies that are meant as income generation, and it’s generally what you should switch to as you start needing to cash in on your savings, these are things like laddered tbills and dividend stocks.

    You can go slightly riskier doing things like wheeling options if your tolerance is higher.

    Investment profiles differ for a reason and the term of the investment is just part of the strategy.

    I should add that ‘buy and hold’ does not make something not a gamble.

    If I told you I bought a random crypto currency or penny stock with no future or fundamentals and plan to hold on to it for 10 years because I just know it’s gonna hit big, would you not consider that a gamble?

  • If I write a book, I get to control if I want to write another book or not. The success of the book doesn’t dictate my control over my own writing process (individual agreements not withstanding)

    Copyright has for the more than the last century been established to be 50 years longer than the life of the owner, meaning copyright deliberately exists to ensure the creator retains control for their entire life (and then some)

    As far as parents go, a patent is not a requirement to make a product and gives no say in your use of your widget that you have patented. If you so choose you can patent a widget and give up trade secrets in exchange for legal protection against appropriation, but that has nothing to do with control in how you operate (it only limits control in how others operate).

    I can invent a widget and not patent it and I am still allowed to sell or not sell, manufacture or not, or whatever business decisions I deem important. I can keep it a trade secret and bring it with me to the grave.

  • But in many cases their vote/say would decline to insignificance, literally being pushed out of their own company because they made good decisions.

    Should a general in the army get demoted to private because they led a successful operation?

    I don’t even know how you would define this for private companies. You would have to devise some arbitrary valuation and then remove some other arbitrary chunk of a persons stake in the company.

    Besides, this doesn’t even solve the money problem anyway, a multi billionaire can just do what they already do and own hundreds of millions in equity in several companies and assets.

    Why do you think autocratic control of a company is worse than other forms? You say it’s “probably good practice”, but as we can see with publicly traded companies which generally are run by committee and owned by millions of people, the quality of a company isn’t really dictated by that, in fact, in the case of Tesla, this was voted in by the shareholders, by a wide margin of 72 percent, so the majority of stake holders voted for this. Yes Elon has a big vote at 13 percent, but this means that 59% of stake holders wanted this, Tesla btw, is > 40% owned by retail investors (e.g. regular people) and so this is the result, a majority decision, mostly made by individual stake holders in the company. Many institutional investors actually voted against the pay package.

    Saying ‘why is this even a question’ when someone inquired for more information after you present a radical change to a worldwide economic concept, is just rude and thought terminating. Instead of encouraging discussion, you want to shut people down so you can get feel good points.

    If you think there is only one good way to run a business and it happens to be the way you thought up, I encourage you to self reflect.

  • That’s because the country’s name is The Democratic Republic of the Congo.

    I don’t know of any country whose name doesn’t officially include ‘The’ (such as The United States, or The United Kingdom, or the aforementioned Congo) and gets an article superficially added.

    The only reason I can think of for Ukraine is that it used to be part of another country and it’s just a holdover of when it was called ‘The Ukrainian Socialist Republic’

    As far as the presence of articles (or lack thereof) in Russian, I’m aware, but we aren’t talking about the Russian name of the country, so much as the English.

  • This is mostly the same in the us. It’s less common for drivers though, because you typically pay when you place the order and the driver just has you sign the paper as acknowledgement that you got the order.

    This way the driver doesn’t need to carry around a card machine everywhere they go, instead the slip can go right with the receipt on the hot bag, this also means the driver doesn’t need to futz around with figuring out which order the tip goes to since they may have 3 or 4 orders on their run.

    I delivered pizzas for a long time, there was about a six month period where we switched to square and it was horrible, people out in the country with no service meant I couldn’t run their card, also since the order wasnt processed already, people would argue about the price when we got there, even though they accepted the price on the phone, trying to get a deal since we already drove all the way out.

    Signing a slip of paper is the absolute fastest method for a delivery driver and there is no obligation to fill in the ‘total’ part, you can just put the tip value on the tip line and a line through the total, no math.

    Write the number 5 on a piece of paper and that’s it, faster than any machine, no hiccups with cell service, no batteries to keep charged, no greasy fingerprints on the screen. No worry about dropping it down 15 stories of stairs at a hotel, etc.

  • Takumidesh@lemmy.worldtoComics@lemmy.mlThanks, dad
    1 month ago

    This is such an asshole take.

    99.99 percent of people are just doing what they can.

    Just about everything and everyone works for, with, or adjacent to a heinous company.

    Everything is immoral, including your comment since you used a computer (which was unethically developed and manufactured, and since critical advancements in computing were sometimes made by bad people, it’s now impossible to create a truly harm free computer. This software (lemmy) is connected in some way to bad people, either its users, contributors, or the contributors to dependencies ( or the contributors to their dependencies, and so on).

    Waxing on about how joe blow worked an office job that made someone rich so he could save 50 grand for his kid and how that makes him a bad person is just needlessly cruel.