
An invincible wolf man, who is like a wolf in every regard save for the fact that he can fly.

(Note: This might be misinformation)

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I grew up in America and have lived in Canada for seven years now. I’ve come to recognize that Canadians (except for the staunch conservatives who aren’t pleased with anything) are proud and loyal to Canada because it’s a beautiful country that has (for the most part) taken pretty good care of its people. Americans are proud and loyal mostly because they were brainwashed throughout their lives by pledges, patriotic songs, and tall tales about the founding fathers. I personally found little to be proud of in my thirty years as an American.

    Also, one time a pair of planes took down some skyscrapers. Alan Jackson wrote a song about it, and America invaded an unrelated country. That made people really proud too.

  • I still like Xonar cards, like the Xonar DG (though it isn’t compatible with my new PC). I always liked their interface more than the competitors, and it puts out excellent volume on my Logitech headset that is otherwise way too quiet for me. Never been a big fan of the simulated 3D environments on any of these cards, though. The only game it ever sounded decent in was No Man’s Sky, but even that still had a distant tinny sound to it.

    I think most people just use external amplifiers these days, but I’m still using a third-party sound card.

  • We’re having an unusually cool year so far in Alberta. It’s been quite chilly even. This has been the first hot weekend, peaking later today, and you wouldn’t believe the number of idiots on social media who think this one cold year has single-handedly disproved climate change. Meanwhile they’ve conveniently forgotten the absolute fucking nightmare the last five summers have been, with smoke-choked skies and perpetual respiratory pain. Though many of them also think the Liberals in Ottawa sent agents out last year to start the wildfires by arson in order to perpetuate the myth of climate change. There is really no winning with these stupid fucks.

  • No, but I miss the days of smaller forums with user recognition. The last time I really recognized a user that wasn’t a mass repost bot was a user on the r/stalker (game) sub-reddit by the name of CeliceTheGreat. Every interaction and opinion we ever had were seemingly in solidarity with one another, and it was always a pleasure to encounter him on other subs occasionally. I doubt he was any more Russian than I am (American/Canadian), but I miss you, comrade, and think of you often.

  • How does the camera quality and shutter speed compare to the Pixel on these? I love the color and the style, but am unfamiliar with this brand. I briefly tried to Samsung (🤮) S22 Ultra a few years back, as it was hailed for having the absolute best camera at the time. The shutter speed was absolute garbage and I was deeply unhappy with everything It produced. Not to mention the absurd amount of unnecessary bloatware that I couldn’t remove, and this was on top or the Google services. Brought it back for a measley Pixel 4A and was very pleased. Using a Pixel 7 now and with a launcher it has been a dream.

    I’m open to other brands like this, though.