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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023

  • So here I am scrolling as one do, and your photo slides into view. To myself I think, oh, nice mammaries, and then pause to think more people should say that, and then scroll down until the text comes up. And small? That is not what I would call them.

    Anywho, quite right, good show, carry on, cheerio.

    The Brits really have more fun with the language than we do.

  • Mediterranean literally translates to “middle of the earth”

    Medi = middle Terran = earth Ean = of the

    The complete sea name in a native romance language, not English, is Mar de Mediterranean. The word is obviously Latin in origin and the sea has been known as such since antiquity, probably predating Rome (who at the height of their control called the Mediterranean a Roman lake, since they encircled it on all sides. How quaint of them, yea?). This would have been known to Tolkien as the educated, well everybody really, back in the day, had more exposure to Latin, which had spread out widely due to the Church. Martin Luther and Guggenheim started that unraveling, tho Latin is still spoken in many many Catholic churches today.

    Midgard does translate to middle earth as well. Tolkien was prob aware of this as well, tho i think that this is lesser well known than Mediterranean, just by the global reach of Spanish.

  • They are thinking the got the customer by the balls because they’re a state sanctioned monopoly. They’re so big the CEO of Samsung has essentially the same power as the SK president.

    Every major corp out of SK is a state sanctioned monopoly. The government tells Samsung “make washing machines now” and Samsung does.

    I know it’s been widely overlooked to allow South Korea to economically develop after the armistice, cold war and all, but at some point the rest of the free trading world is going to have to hit them with tariffs to protect native, or critical industries.

    Frankly I’m really tired of looking the other way for any reason. Every other day it’s a headline about how some government or multinational led the public on a 20 year gaslighting campaign. If I were to say, “hey did you hear that story about XXXY(any well known mega corp)?” Do you think I’d have a positive wholesome story to share? No. Because there never is. The structure of a corporation is set up to protect financiers from liability from the crimes theyre guaranteed to commit thru abusive, shortsighted, toxic business. It’s literally the fucking point. But we don’t have to accept that, and we don’t have to choke back and somehow keep down our sense of justice, or be passively complicit, which is to nueter your morality, your sense of self

    Our individual actions do matter in this case. Like don’t buy shit off Temu, theyre using slave labor. Don’t endorse that. Don’t buy anything out of Dubai or Saudi Arabia, they, also, keep slaves. Don’t support slavery. Including wage slavery. Don’t do business with Israel until an non Zionist coalition is back in charge. Don’t buy anything Russian. Genocide is not an acceptable modern practice. It CAN’T be. Boycott Mississippi and Louisiana as well, since they like to let their prisoners die of treatable conditions and bury them in unmarked graves. That is ALSO a genocide. Don’t fucking fund crimes against humanity. This is kindergarten levels of sophistication.

    And hopefully enough people will actually live their morals and gain seats of power, because we have to. Otherwise waves hands THIS.

  • My older liberal banker brother asked me, small business owning tradesman, why I don’t just go start some small community in Montana and live without the dollar, yada yada.

    I laughed, he said he’s serious, I said “yea, the bankers that own the feds are serious too, and they use that to control what kind of society we decide for ourselves. We don’t have the freedom to choose. We have the freedom to choose but only from these two choices. We won’t even allow Cuba to do that shit, still today, 60years under embargo. And they’re their own country! The bankers would erase me in a heartbeat”.

  • Tor is funded by the CIA, which means assets use it to get info or send info.

    It’s going nowhere.

    Same thing with Bitcoin. It’s not going anywhere. In fact thats the reason why the CIA can trace every Bitcoin transaction and identify the owners, which was thought no one could do, but what do you know, when you wire up 3000 ps4s into a giant supercomputer for 1/50th the cost apparently the budget opens up some and now they must have a dedicated supercomputer just for this. Those chucklefucks who blackmailed the pipeline in the SE, that energy company paid up in Bitcoin, within 24 hours the NSA/CIA had the Bitcoin back and perps arrested.

    Make your trades in favors, that’s all I’m saying.

  • Every single comment here is describing symptoms but not the cause.

    Enshitification is the evolution to the final form, only possible after the company, thru merger/acquisition or stock manipulation (leveraged buy outs, acquiring controlling stake, shorting a company into insolvency, etc), has achieved a commanding monopoly.

    Then it flexes it’s monopoly powers, the buttons fly off its shirt and the monster shows it’s true colors.

    We have laws to prevent this. Lina Khan is the first FTC chair to start holding these companies to meaningful account in my lifetime (yea, Microsoft/netscape is exponentially smaller than todays issues). Meta, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon all need to be broken up into a thousand different companies, same as we did with AT&T. Uber, Angieslist, homeaglow, all the contractors pretending they’re just networking hubs (like some union hall) need to busted up and gigwork made to contend with employment law, which it can’t, because it’s all bad faith exploitation.

    And for fucks sake we need to make the fine for white collar crime that extends state lines to necessitate the forfeiture of the entire C-suite’s and board of directors assets, both domestically and internationally, upon threat of seal team 6. Empty their bank accounts and leave them with nothing, like they regularly do to employees. They’re so fucking smart they can earn it all again, right? Right!? Corporations are the largest thief in the land, just in WAGE THEFT. Everything else they do that’s slimy is all BONUS. The 2nd largest thief in all the land? the fucking Police force. The lunatics have taken over the asylum, democracy doesn’t work in mental institutions. We don’t need to defund the police, we need to fire all of them and start over with transparency. If casino employees can be video taped all day, so can cops. Fuck em.

    What America truly needs is another Teddy Roosevelt. We need to revive the Progressive party with the Bull Moose as the symbol. Protect the environment, protect the family by protecting the workers, end legal loopholes and trustbust the 1% back down into the 10%.

    And if we don’t? The path ahead is obvious, I for one, don’t want to live in Blade Runner, but that’s where we’re going until we stop fucking around and right ship.

  • Some things you aren’t told about aging but should know;

    Life isnt supposed to be easy. It wasn’t for our ancestors and we aren’t special.

    That being said, I feel like we’re currently playing on hard mode right now.

    When yr young all the options are available to you in your head. As you get older, those narrow down, but so do your desires. Desire is the antithesis of happiness.

    I repeat; DESIRE is the antithesis of happiness.

    As decades start stacking you’re gonna find you measure time differently. In my teens it was in days, in my 20s it was in weeks. In my 30s; months. Now I think in seasons.

    The majority of our own unhappiness comes from self torture. Things will be done when they are done, time as we think of it is a human artificiality. Don’t beat yourself up for missing imaginary boundaries. Don’t get upset over things that aren’t manifesting in reality. It is literally, 100%, you getting in your own way by slowing yourself down, paying penance to your internalized capitalism, from your goal. Circular, round and round, you go, down the drain. Stop, drop anchor, reassess.

    The only failure in life is the failure to learn the lesson. You will continue to create the same problems until you address the root of it. You can’t run from it cuz whereever you go, there you are. Your struggles, and the lessons, are your reasons to be here.

    Don’t concern yourself with other people’s opinions of you. Concern yourself with your opinion of yourself. Anyone overly concerned with other things and other people isn’t spending enough time looking in.

    You’ll only feel successful when you respect yourself. Until you have that there is no other goal, only side quests.

    Everything that has been made by man can be unmade by man. Heirarchy, religion are copium, yet, when you compare the various ones the world over there are reoccurring themes - this is the closest we’ve come to defining human nature, in the similarities.

    And I guess the last thing I want to say is that if you consider yourself a Christian, you need to be actively trying to live your life as if you were Jesus and we are all sons of God. Everything he said implied that and you know it. I’ve met like 5 Christians in my life. Wonderful people.