• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: November 28th, 2023

  • My health insurance costs 842€ a month. I pay half of it, the other half my employer. So I am quite impressed with the $20 from the estimation.

    But why do two jobs? Won’t people do a better job concentrating on one thing and getting $2000 for that, instead of gaining experience in two different areas at the same time?

  • Yep! I agree. And I believe the whole discussion is unnecessary in most cases.

    There are some instances where it is important.

    Do you cut the red or the blue wire when defusing a bomb (a clear definition is mandatory!)

    Who can participate in the women’s sport competition and who in the men’s (this conversation should be done by the people who are actually doing the sport, not by me!)

    Should I as a boss apply a gender pay gap to you or not?

  • If it changes by culture, then each culture will have their own definition. So if we ask a Texan Redneck and a Swedish Librarian, we will get two very different answers. But they both might be right in their culture.

    Culture does not have borders. You and your neighbour have different cultures. So I believe this is nothing you can argue about, unless you specify a definition first. It does not have to be a global definition, it does not have to apply to all people, it doesn’t even have to make sense.

    The definition will make it possible to discuss the topic. When the definition is precise, it will be a very short discussion. The interesting part is coming up with that definition and figuring out what aspects you want to include and what you deem not relevant.

  • I don’t know any person like this so this is just my imagination guessing:

    Could be that you were born with male phenotype and raised that way. But you discovered that your feelings are really more aligned with the feminine realm.

    But since you look male you don’t want to appear strange for others, so you keep the way you have been looking all your life, how you are used to dress and behave, and just identify as female. Might make you feel better and more aligned with your inner self.

  • We could define two genders: Males are all humans larger than 175 cm Females are all that are 175cm or smaller.

    Or we take the degree by what the jaw line is curved and sort it from most masculine with strong curves to most feminine with slow elegant curves.

    We could go by genetics. Then we only have a handful of genders (xx, xy, xyy, xxy, … etc)

    What I am saying is: define what it is first, and then the discussion is very simple. By my first definition there are exactly two genders, second one has infinite, third definition has a handful of genders.

  • SnuggleSnail@ani.socialtomemes@lemmy.worldThis is America
    9 months ago

    Is that safe? My knowledge of Columbia is limited to what I learned watching Narcos on Netflix. But it did not look like a medically advanced country.

    I used the power of search engines. Looks like I’m the big cities, health care is quite adequate. Have a nice trip!

    Dental work is often also not covered in the standard insurance in Germany. You either have to get an extra insurance, or you pay out of pocket, or you live with the condition (all serious things are covered, cosmetics often are not). But even then the cost is usually on the hundreds, sometimes in the thousands. 40,000 is more than the average person earns here 🙃

  • SnuggleSnail@ani.socialtomemes@lemmy.worldThis is America
    9 months ago

    I also have no idea what you are trying to say.

    I was just at the doctor a couple of times in November. Turns out I had a bronchitis, possibly with a bacterial superinfection.

    So I was at the doctor to

    1. Check if my lungs were affected. is there a danger of a lung infection?
    2. Do I need antibiotics or should I sit it out?
    3. Get a doctors note (I was on sick leave for three and a half weeks)

    This is nothing I could google. I actually did google and did not find bronchitis as an issue, but cold, influenza, and lung cancer. Google does not know how my lungs sound when I breathe.

    So of course you should ask your doctor and not the internet.