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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Easy. You either set it up as a nonprofit (still not great in terms of incentives) or, better, as a consumers (or members) cooperative.

    Alternatively, you don’t - you modify the incentives. Agency sets a one time, lifetime membership fee. Every failed match they set you up with refunds you a percentage of the balance.

    Detailed example:

    Let’s assume it’s a $1000 membership, 5% refund.

    First match works out? They keep the $1000 First match fails? You get $50 back. Second fails? You get another $47.50 (2% of the remaining $950) By match #45, you’ve been refunded 90% and they’re still holding less than $100.

    Why it works:

    This strongly incentivizes the agency to make the best possible match as quickly as possible. Users aren’t incentivized to join fraudulently because they’ll never get more out than they put in. The agency has no reason to create fake profiles, since a bad match costs them money.

    Where it (arguably) fails:
    1. This incentive structure is designed for long-term, monamorous relationships. It fails to account for poly relationships. People using it for short term hook-ups would settle over time into #2 below.

    2. After a certain number of bad matches, it’s not worth it to the agency to put any effort into making a good match. Since they make the most money on early matches, their incentive is to connect the most “desirable” candidates with new members. People with more failed matches will most likely be connected to … other people with more failed matches.

    Arguably, this is a feature not a bug. For new members, it means they don’t get spammed by long-time members that are hard to get along with or not actually looking for a long term relationship. For the ones that the early match algorithms didn’t work put for, it means they’ll at least get exposed to different groups of people over time - including others that failed to match for similar reasons as themselves.

    1. Even if the user never makes a successful match and gives up, the agency still gets paid. An alternate strategy for the agency could be to make the worst possible matches so members give up early and they keep more of the membership fee.

    This would not do wonders for their reputation and is probably not a good long term strategy for them - at least on the early matches. After a certain number of failures though, it might be an effective way to cut losses.

  • That is not accurate.

    • RedHat is the standard for high-budget American corps.
    • Rocky and similar for low-budget American orgs
    • Ubuntu Server has a large following with developers who think they don’t need sysadmins.
    • Debian Stable is more popular with European orgs that aren’t incentivized by US government contracts to go with Redhat. It is much more stable than Ubuntu, has been more reliable in its support promises than Redhat, and doesn’t suffer from the NIH syndrome that infects both.
    • Ubuntu is popular with home users
    • Debian Testing is good for workstations and personal machines that need to be a bit more current
    • Debian Unstable for people who like Debian but want to live on the bleeding edge

  • No need to - “gay bashing” is unambiguous and hasn’t been used for decades to describe criticism of gay gangs that go around clubbing trans people to death.

    Acknowledging that Zionists have robbed the word “antisemitic” of its meaning is the first step in reclaiming the word. The second step is to use other words to describe actual antisemitism so that people understand it still exists. The third is to refuse to allow Zionists to continue conflating anti-Zionism with antisemitism.

    You asked how to describe it, and I engaged with you in good faith to provide an answer. You responded with a second rhetorical device, and I engaged for the benefit of other readers. I won’t bother a third time.

    [Edit: I removed the last paragraph after initially posting, being unsure I was responding to the same user in both cases. When I re-added it after confirming, I used slightly different language. Their quote of “rhetorical trick” below matches the original wording, and is a legitimate quote of my response]