• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • I think the word you’re looking for is ruminate. The word comes from ruminant animals like cows, who partially digest fibrous plants, regurgitate them, and “chew cud”. Which is what we do when we regurgitate negative memories.

    My tool, which works for me but i am not a mental health expert, is this:

    When i find that I’ve entered a ruminant thought cycle, I’ll start asking these questions and working through it logically

    • Does this memory have something beneficial to teach me in this moment?
    • Can I learn any more from this memory?
    • The moment is in the past, and I’m alive here and now
    • I am the only one who still remembers
    • This memory is no longer useful, I will think about something else
    • I’ll think about something now, because I’m alive now

    I’m sorry your psychologist was ineffective. A good one can be hard to find

  • As with the lowest posts in this thread, this will not be popular, but I’ll say it anyway.

    I’m not concerned. Not because I think everything is fine. It’s because it’s not been fine for a long long time. Now the curtain is being pulled back and everyone can see the reality that’s always been there. Privilege just means private law, and the president is the most privileged person in the US. As time moves forward the window dressing is removed and we can see reality for what it really is. It reminds me of This Vicious Cabaret:

    But the backdrop’s peel and the sets give way and the cast gets eaten by the play / There’s a murderer at the Matinee, there are dead men in the aisles / And the patrons and actors too are uncertain if the show is through / And with side-long looks await their cue but the frozen mask just smiles.

  • So i decided, since work finished early today, to see if an update fixes the controller.

    First i get an Xbox games login requirement using my email, so i do that and get an error, and have to force the program closed via steam.

    I try again and am greeted with the (expected) required update message

    I’m now waiting for the fifteen GB update to download.

    I’ll report back to let you know if my joystick works after this

    E: yeah that took 20 minutes to download and another ten to install. Joystick throttle still doesn’t function correctly in flight, even though it maps correctly

  • Dude I’m happy for you. I don’t play often, and when i do there’s always some giant update to slog through. As is typical for Microsoft, the updates are forced and at the most inconvenient time. My free time is rare and precious.

    The last time i tried to play my joystick was borked in MSFS, but worked fine in Squadrons. I haven’t tried to play since

    Yes the updates have a point, but the forced nature and size of them isn’t convenient and feels arbitrary. Likely others feel the same way I do

    What I want is a game I can sit down and play on the rare occasions where I have a couple free hours. MSFS isn’t that game. I wish it was, because when i can play it, it’s amazing

  • That could be Mama. Nests are not the safest place for fledglings, so mom or dad will push them out of the nest, but they are not abandoned. (Predators can find a nest easier than an able-bodied fledgling).

    I once rescued a baby chickadee from a neighborhood cat that was stalking it. The parents were going nuts in the tree above, so i set the little bugger in a yew bush and took the cat away and gave it treats. Everyone was happy that day