• 2 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2023


  • I have 16 GiB of mem + zram. Nothing makes it run out of mem.

    Zram gives me some insane compression ratios. Like I cannot get the system to run out of mem doing everything that I normally do at once.

    Also that is old, I don’t really use the aur anymore. The only aur package that I have installed is downgrade and that is used to troubleshoot issues with the official packages lol.

    I also have the pacman cache in tmpfs, since I use btrfs snapshots for restoring.

    Also my web pages and everything load just fine. I did mostly to reduce unnecessary writes to disk, the Gentoo wiki suggest moving the whole $XDG_CACHE_HOME to tmpfs which I think is extreme lol

    Also my browser cache is not fully being cleared, notice that at the end of the script I have some syncing going on with rsync.

  • Thanks for the suggestion, but I really want to stick to something like i3, which I think the only thing that is close is sway (and sway is not a perfect drop in replacement for i3 btw).




    Actually not even i3 is perfect for me, I had to fork it to apply a patch that they haven’t applied: https://github.com/i3/i3/pull/5521

    A few months ago I really tried to switch to hyprland, it all ended with my wasting my time reading the documentation on how to assign workspaces to monitors for hyprland to tell me that the feature was deprecated 💀

    Another issue that I had with hyprland is that I could not move a floating window between displays using the move left/right as those moved the window to the right/left of the display instead of a left/right direction.

    I also use i3msg to do some mildly complex actions, which I really couldn’t figure out how to do with hyprland, like this one:


    set $EXC exec --no-startup-id
    set $ADUNST dunstify -r 33 -t 1500
    set $RX1 i3-msg '[class="Brave" instance="^(?i)(?!web.telegram.org__k)(?!discord.com__app)(?!web.whatsapp.com).*"] focus'
    $BIND $MOD+F1 $EXC $RX1 && $ADUNST "Brave" || ( brave & $ADUNST "Launching Brave" )

    Which basically the same keybind either focuses or launches the web-browser, but does not focus on the PWA instances of the web browser as for that I use a different keybind.

    Another bigger issue that I need to solve as well is that it seems it isn’t possible to do "xrandr --setmonitor extended in wayland, as I use that with my 3 monitors to play some games. (it sets the 3 displays as one).

  • I cannot believe you were right. It is a arch only issue for hyprland.

    I’m on artix linux since a few days ago, but I did not test hyprland on artix yet. I had only tested sway because I had a similar issue with xfce4 apps creating a ~/.config dir, which actually turned out to be a dbus issue which does not happen on artix because they don’t use dbus-broker.

    Indeed hyprland does not create the ~/.cache directory, but it does create a .dbus directory instead (something that sway doesn’t do 🤔). So I basically just moved forward and backwards at the same time lol.

    Btw don’t tell me you use ~/.var/cache because flatpak hardcodes ~/.var like I cannot do that, I would not accept such defeat lol.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH, I have been stuck with this issue for months, now I know where the problem is at least.

  • No steam doesn’t run when starting. The same programs when I start i3 which does not have this issue are the same programs that start when I start sway, as sway uses my i3 configuration.

    I’ve also tested hyprland and cosmic and both of those have that issue as well.

    Worth mentioning that when I’m on x11 ~/.cache never gets created, even when I run apps that use mesa.

  • I don’t use bash. As there is no way to fix bash leaving dotfiles in home lol.

    I use zsh with $ZDOTDIR set to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh and there my .zprofile contains my environment variables that I posted. zsh is my login shell so they get applied once I login.

    But you made a good point, I will test defining XDG_CACHE_HOME in /etc/profile just to see if that fixes the issue.

  • Appimages don’t bloat the system, they are actually many times even smaller than native packages thanks to their compression (librewolf being 100 MiB instead of 300 MiB, libreoffice being 300 MiB instead of 600 MiB).

    And those are “lazy” appimages made with linuxdeploy, if you do some tricks with static linking to can get their size down way way more. For example one case is qbittorrent, their official appimage is 100 MiB while there is a fork called “qBittorrent Enhanced Edition” and they got the size of the appimage down to 26 MiB

    I also don’t know what you mean by security risks with the libraries, the appimage gets made in CI (usually ubuntu 20.04 or debian stable) and the libraries from those distros get bundled and released, the only way this could be a security risk is if the whole appimage is outdated or debian/ubuntu haven’t caught to updating their distros.

    My big issue wiht flatpak is that they don’t follow the xdg base dir spec and neither add the binaries to PATH (And they said that they will not fix those issues btw), making them only useful for some graphical applications, while pulling several gigabytes of runtimes and dependencies, and the more I’ve been using and understanding appimage the more I think both flatpak and snap should have never existed. As 99% of what they do could have been done with appimage already and just keep a centralized repo of approved appimages for security concerns.

  • There is usually misunderstanding behind this type of questions. for example “why isn’t ilike on macos where it is ~/.Trash” and then one has to explain what XDG_DATA_HOME is and why it makes sense for trash to be there (And that it doesn’t have to do with the desktop environment as well).

    Or op just lost something important thinking that the trash was somewhere else.