Cripple. History Major. Vaguely Left-Wing.

Alt of PugJesus for ensuring Fediverse compatibility and shit

  • 532 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • Lol what? If you conquer a country’s capital, that country falls unless its government moves elsewhere and establishes a foothold which doesn’t happen often. When the Germans conquered Paris, the French government basically collapsed and from the Germans were able to take control and establish puppet governments.

    Yeah, like when DC fell in the War of 1812, or when Moscow fell in Napoleon’s invasion, or when the Japanese took Nanking during the Second Sino-Japanese War, or-

    Nobody thought that the Nazis were liberators.

    See, this is the insane thing - many DID think of the Nazis as liberators. Numerous national independence movements were suddenly excited to collaborate after the start of Operation Barbarossa, for about all of three or four months, at which point it became apparent that the Nazis were even worse than the Soviets.

    Those governments were Russian puppets. Russia was always a multi ethnic empire that favored Russians and oppressed the rest. There’s a reason why Stalin went through his “deportation” (read: genocide) plans. They weren’t good.

    I’m not arguing that the Sovs were good. Far from it. My point is that there weren’t well-formed independence movements waiting in the wings to take power should the Soviet government falter - all power was tied up in the Party and its bureaucracy, and the only organized institutions capable of taking action would have been Soviet puppets who were ‘all-in’ on the Soviets by a mixture of clientism and purges. If Moscow fell, the idea that the Central Asian SSRs would suddenly turn, or lose their grip, just… doesn’t strike me as realistic.

    I think it’s pretty clear given the context that I meant the rate of shipments accelerated

    I wouldn’t say ‘pretty clear’, but if I misread it, I misread it.

  • Dude the Wehrmacht reached a town called Krasnaya Polyana which is 18 miles away from the center of Moscow. If they took over Moscow, which was a very real possibility then the Soviet Union would’ve fallen like France, or at the very least the European portion of it would.

    That’s not how capitals work. France itself only nominally fell because it appointed an ultraconservative collaborator (Petain) to the highest position of government.

    I would assume the oppressed minorities within the empire would used them opportunity to get independence.

    Most of the oppressed minorities were in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe, and very quickly found out that the Nazis were no liberators. Most of the remaining Soviet population was Russian, not ethnic minorities. A few of the central Asian SSRs were around, but their governments weren’t oppressed, but participants in the oppression - why would they rise up?

    I didn’t imply that they weren’t?

    After trying to previously avoid war with US, he went and did it for no good reason. This brought second wind to the allies as Americans weapons starting pouring into the UK and the Soviet Union

  • Derailing a train by tearing up or blowing up the tracks is an age-old trick, and it definitely worked on armored trains as well. But train operators are supposed to look out for that sort of thing and throw the brakes before hitting a patch of missing track.

    Armored trains were MOST useful for protecting regular transport, like supplies or troops ferried back and forth near an at-risk area just behind the front lines - a normal train that gets spotted by an enemy plane, for example, is in for a world of hurt - an armored train might not even be worth the time (and exposure to anti-air guns) to try.

  • Sharply more Americans than 20 years ago say antisemitism is a very serious problem, as Jewish Americans’ reports of poor treatment exceed those of other faith groups.

    This is very deeply concerning, especially since Jewish-Americans, statistically speaking, are more likely to be friendly to the Palestinian cause and critical of the Israeli government than non-Jewish Americans. It suggests that there’s more than just the element of “CRITICISM OF ISRAEL IS ANTISEMITISM” peddled by Israeli simps.

  • In my experience, moderation rules for unpaid volunteer mods are worthless except as a guideline to users as to what to do or not to do.

    The purpose of rule of law in real life is to ensure adherence to it by overlapping systems and oversight. As most moderation groups don’t have overlapping systems or oversight, and sometimes don’t even communicate with each other when taking action, strict ‘rules-based’ moderation pretty invariably turns into “moderator roulette” as each mod interprets the rules differently and prejudicially without any mechanism for being called out on it or corrected. So, you know, no different than ‘rule by leader’ other than the potential of abuse of the proclaimed rules-based system by bad faith actors.

    Especially since many moderation teams ‘close ranks’ or blow it off if any of their’s is accused of wrongdoing.

    Had a mostly good experience with mods on Lemmy so far, though. I’ve stayed far away from .ml, so that might have something to do with it.