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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Comparison is the thief of joy. Don’t despair because you’re not following along an imaginary and self/societaly imposed “progress”/“achievement” path. You are still so very young and have endless possibilities in front of you. Take things at your own pace, learn new things for the sake of learning, and seek to better yourself incrementally as appropriate. Life will fall into place

  • Going through a breakup after a 7 year relationship in my early 30s which turned my life upside down (but ultimately led me to where I am now).

    Right after I became homeless, went in and out of the hospital, went through a dark period as an active drug abuser and addict, walked out on an established, high paying profession and career, moved 1200 miles away from a city I loved, gave up on humanity and myself…etc.

    But ultimately I see now that as hard as that period was, it got me to where I am today, and I would do it all over again to be where I am now: married to my best friend, father to the brightest, most joyful baby in the whole world, hitting my stride as a trusted advisor and recognized leader in an entirely different career field, living in a place I adore, in my own house that im fortunate enough to be able to afford all by myself, making art, music, and delicious food every single day, and most of all having faith in myself as an individual for the first time ever.

    That experience, as dark as it was, taught me that not only can I survive anything that doesn’t actually kill me physically, but I can thrive in any environment and circumstance if I so choose.

  • You know that “anti commercial AI license” shit does nothing, right? It’s the equivalent of idiots posting that wall of text on Facebook a decade or so ago saying they don’t give Facebook permission to use their pictures, posts…etc.

    I mean if it makes you feel better and gives you a sense of control in an otherwise out-of-your-control environment then I suppose go for it, but you’re not actually accomplishing anything other than making yourself feel slightly better and more deluded.

  • She basically has no chance of being Trump’s VP now…

    Disagreed. This cements her as the front runner. She’s had the cosmetic surgery to give her that far-right plastic bimbo look, she’s cruel to animals and brags about it (Trump famously hates animals and pets), she’s a woman and someone who wont upstage him in the spotlight, she kisses his ass religiously, and she’s generating controversy to take away heat from whatever insane shit he’s doing this week. She’s the lock in. You think Trump gives a shit about traditional “electability?” It’s been clear since he started campaigning the second time that any and all guard rails that may have been there the first time around are gone. His entire platform is just cult of personality. There is no policy. He doesn’t care which traditional voter block she can attract/rebuff. She’ll be there to look pretty, back up everything he says, and not upstage him. Nothing else matters for him.