Physics nerd. Currently studying some quantum gravity adjacent stuff in QFT


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Well, data just doesn’t really flow at the speed of light. It’s a really really complicated thing to discuss in terms of physical circuits because the true picture involves considering how the EM field evolves. Electrons in a circuit move at extremely slow speeds, ~millimeters per second.

    The good news is you don’t need to send information particularly fast to send it through time. Generally in physics, we build time travel systems by creating extremely curved spacetime that contains paths to the past, theoretically you could send light through such a path to transmit information back in time. As someone already mentioned, you generally need negative mass to construct these.

    If you have negative mass there are three options I’m aware of:

    1. Wormholes, stabilised and moved in the right way can form a link to the past (but only as far back as the moment they were created, this is true of all time machines as far as I know)
    2. Rotating torii of spacetime. Spinning spacetime is well known for creating weird time travel effects, a related option is an infinitely long rotating cylinder.
    3. A rotating warp drive. This thing will explode in a high energy shower of particles and thus it’ll be nearly impossible to use, but a friend of mine recently found a way to get particles to travel back in time through it.

    If you want to send information into the distant future, you could get really fancy and scatter some light off of a black hole or something.

  • No. I’m reasonably sure it’s a massive misconception. He’s the only person “using” it because it’s fragile, dangerous and requires some stupidly expensive and difficult process to apply it. It’s controlled by an aerospace manufacturing company who only lets him use it. It’s not something that can be bought. It’s not even paint, it’s a process to bind carbon nanotubes to surfaces. Kapoor has absolutely no say in who uses the stuff, and he sure as hell doesn’t own it.

    Apparently the whole thing started because another artist (Stuart Semple, a known grifter) realised he could lie about Kapoor and sell his own paints if everyone thought he was the douche.

    Long article if you care to read it, guy who actually made the stuff just doesn’t want to work with a bunch of different artists when he’s meant to be putting it in satellites:

  • If you’re talking about what I think you are, then yeah I think that’s just how it is. Eventually the only things we’ll be able to see are the galaxies in our local super cluster (I think, this is technically outside my area) and eventually they’ll all combine into a single extremely massive galaxy.

    We live in a really unique time where we can detect that the universe is both infinite, and had a beginning. Hell, we live in the only time where we can know that this time is special.

    The concept of a static universe died decades ago, so I don’t think we’ll be getting away from this. I don’t really remember what time scale this is on, though if I had to guess it could be somewhere between 100’s of billions to 10’s of trillions of years.