• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • If things would stop getting shittier, then yes. I’m not entirely sure that it applies here so I understand your annoyance, but you’re seeing “enshittification” everywhere because we’re seeing the practice of enshittification everywhere. I applaud it being called out. We shouldn’t be seeing higher prices for worse experiences, but that’s the current trend. If you’re tired of seeing the word, then it’d probably be a good idea to take a break from c/technology because I don’t think it’s stopping any time soon.

  • I would be a better husband, first of all. I’d have much more time and energy available for more than what I already do around the house plus better dates. Beyond that, I think I’d write and record a bunch of music just to share with the world, maybe try to make a few bucks off of it but not beyond “buy me a beer” type donations from people who can spare it. I really want to do a post-rock concept album before I kick the bucket, just to have a big completed project checked off. Maybe I’d write some bad poetry too until I got sorta good at it, maybe a book if I had enough to say.

    I’d also play even more video games, obviously. Maybe I’d finally hit champ in Rocket League lmao.

  • Depends on the day. If I dismiss outliers where it’s less than 20 minutes, my average is probably about 90 minutes based on checking my app history over the past few weeks. A good chunk of that is typing comments, sometimes looking up a good link to include. I usually swipe through while skimming posts and open comments for a post once in a while, occasionally adding a comment in there. I rarely post anything but comments.

    Today I’m at 35 minutes and probably mostly done for the day.

  • I think there’s not really a hard and fast expiration date. I think it’s more of a probability gradient which can skew from person to person. Career bounceback depends on industry, fitness, credentials, network, etc. Love life depends on personality, looks, intent, intelligence, sense of humor, stability, etc. A loser in their 40s can’t even really compete with somebody in their 60s who’s on top of their shit.

    I think that if you’re concerned about this, therapy and/or meditation might help you to get uncomfortable enough to identify aspects of yourself that need work to improve. Small changes can yield big advantages in terms of tackling specific goals. Everybody can benefit from therapy, so don’t let some weird stigma scare you out of getting the best out of life.

  • I know that it’s not what you’re asking for, but I thought I’d chime in with a lateral solution. My wife and I live in an apartment building and neighbors can be pretty loud, plus I have rotating shift schedule so my sleep schedule slides drastically to support that. If the noisy environment is mostly outside, thick blackout curtains will also dampen a lot of sound. Otherwise, a fan will do a lot in terms of soothing white noise that also kinda masks other sounds. And finally, for the actual reason I started leaving this comment, there are pretty solid Bluetooth sleep masks that are designed to be comfortable and have battery that can last all night. My wife has one and it has really helped her out. You can also remove the electronics to wash the mask as needed.

    Again, I know that this isn’t what you were explicitly asking for, but it could solve your root concern all the same. Good luck!

  • I’m a power plant operator. Most of my coworkers have chugged the Kool aid in terms of hating unions. We’re well paid but the benefits aren’t good and the schedule is life-wrecking for the average person. Bad unions exist, but I think that they don’t understand the core concept of the power behind collective bargaining. I’ve seen one person get fired in the 3 years I’ve been here, so jobs are generally secure, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to gain from unionizing.

    They also very much eat up the culture war slop and aren’t particularly literate. They’re “common sense” forward, which means they don’t understand things like tax brackets or geopolitics, but they’re very upset about them.