• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Thanks for the link to Common Crawl; I didn’t know about that project but it looks interesting.

    That’s also an interesting point about heavily curated data sets. Would something like that be able to overcome some of the bias in current models? For example, if you were training a facial recognition model, access a curated, open source dataset that has representative samples of all races and genders to try and reduce the racial bias. Anyone training a facial recognition model for any purpose could have a training set that can be peer reviewed for accuracy.

  • “On environmental issues, he is equally provocative, calling climate change “a socialist hoax”, and saying that a company should be able to pollute a river as it sees fit.”

    It’s amazing how much damage can be done in a short amount of time when people like this get in charge. This isn’t even getting into the fact that he wants to end investments in research, when investments in US research generate 2.6x in economic output. I’m guessing it’s not too different in Argentina, but guys like this have no interest in facts.

  • I particularly enjoy sci-fi that explores philosophy using various archetypes that can’t exist yet without some advance in texhnology, or explore society by taking certain aspects to their logical extreme.

    Blade Runner is a good movie example of the former. It explores the nature of humanity, consciousness, and “self” using advanced synthetic beings. Children of Time is a book example that explores evolution, religion, and more.

    GATTACA is a good example for social exploration: eugenics, and morality. Children of Men is another good one: what would happen to society if we saw the end of our species in the near future.

    Other books I’ve enjoyed along those lines: XX, Left Hand of Darkness, Three Body Problem (all 3 books). Other movies: District 9, Ex Machina, WALL-E, The Matrix.