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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • This is off-topic, but have you had any luck convincing any of them? I like to hear rhetoric that has worked.

    One, my cousin. It only worked because we had a special connection even within the family as being the only two males our age.

    I appealed to his sense of nervousness for the future, I identified with his economic and social fears (he was on his way to inceldom at a rapid pace), I shared my own fears that aligned with him: Never owning a house, not being able to afford a family, not even really being able to afford to date or socialize. Being one accident away from poverty.

    I reminded him of the minorities he was involved with on a daily basis and asked him of any of them came even close to fitting the stereotypes he kept saying about them.

    After he began to come to terms with this, I started bringing up the direct policy choices that have been responsible for our current economic stagnation were almost universally Republican driven policy changes, and the fact that SCOTUS almost exclusively votes in favor of corporate interest in the last 40 years.

    I also agreed with him that the dems were ALMOST as bad, but confronted him with statements made by AOC, Franken and Bernie that actively spoke out in favor of the worker and the student, something I CHALLENGED him to find a modern parallel to in the republican party. He could find zero examples.

    But as he was searching, he did start to see that what republicans WERE saying about workers rights was that they needed to be restricted. I think that’s when the class betrayal the GOP heaped on him sunk in.

    It took a while, wasn’t always forward momentum, and he hasn’t committed to voting blue yet, but he won’t vote cheetolini in any circumstance as he now realizes that the twice impeached one is a traitor to our democracy.

  • I think you are projecting pretty hard my guy, you know almost nothing about me so you fill the gaps with reflections of your own state.

    Nearly every meaningful change in labor was bought in blood, this is historical fact.

    I don’t say this as a badass but as an exhausted, economically stagnant skilled professional at the time of my life where I should be thinking about retiring but instead coming to the acceptance that without putting my face at risk of a baton that no meaningful change will come about in time and I will die working to make other people wealthy.

    There is a desperation that comes from decades of bad economic policy where 68% of the nation lives paycheck to paycheck and 78% of the nation is one medical emergency away from poverty. Sure people like you might misinterpret this as being ‘badass’ instead of angry and desperate. But that’s because your perspective of the world was shaped more by media than by actually experiencing it.

    So I don’t blame you, but you really need to grow up because the world that is coming won’t be kind to edgelads like you.

  • Hebrew did not become a dead language until a century and a half after Jesus’s Crucifixion. It was still the scholarly and prayer language contemporary to his time and as he has been directly titled ‘Rabboni’, an exemplar of ‘Rabbi’ and only used with highly respected priestly scholarship, it is ridiculous to claim he did not speak Hebrew.

    What is your source for “little Christs”

    The concept of being anointed was near universal in both cultures.

    Hebrew: המשׁיה Hamashiach means ‘The anointed one’ and was a title of reverence reserved for the coming Messiah, in fact the word messiah has its root and origin in Hamashiach.

    Greek: Χριστός Christos ‘The one (lit) rubbed with oil’, the same root can be found in christen, which is named after the act of daubing the child’s head with oil, known as Chrism also takes its name from the act of applying oil (also known as myrrh)

    Before Christianity, Greeks used the root when referring to anointing ceremonies for contest victors and assuming high office, so there was already a connotation with ‘someone special getting oil poured/rubbed onto them’.

    Since both cultures had existing concepts for ‘putting oil on someone special’ it was only natural that the sobriquet arise contemporary to the time that he was ALREADY being called Hamashiach. And in fact was part of the reason he was brought before Pilate as claiming to be a king, as his anointing by John the Baptist was almost deliberately misconstrued as a claim for kingship by the Roman occupiers.

  • China has other problems right now which is why they are playing nice, they’re heading into a population collapse and it’s gonna be real messy.

    They already fetishize the military and are nationalistic AF, but they also have leadership more invested in the status quo than becoming the dominant military, so their new weapons are finance and trade instead of bombs and bullets. That said, they have a FUCKTONNE of bombs and bullets and MILLIONS of people willing to use them.

  • I don’t know if you noticed what happened to the Post Office under cheetolini. They’re going to do that to every fuckdamn service they can control every time they can squeeze a candidate into the oval office. It doesn’t matter if we call them out after the fact, damage done. Irreplaceable machinery has been turned into scrap and all at the command of a seditionist.

    What do you think is going to happen the next time when maybe the repugnicunt they get into office isn’t an idiot?