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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • What? British Palestine gave the land to israel and pretty much from the start, went full war mode and subjugated the Palestinian people. Absolutely mad you see it that way, way crazy.

    Its not messy nor gray, its an apartheid. One thing I know is apartheid, when I lived in one in South Africa as a small white boy, I saw the absolute rage in my family for the black people of South Africa. This is waaaaaay worse, kids killed for sport mate… seriously?

  • All I can say is. I agree exactly with your statement.

    Im from South Africa and that was my initial like for the guy (no other knowledge than that he was South African) but as I got to see him more and more, learn about his background, I realised that he is nothing more than the classic South african rich kid or poes as we call em in SA.

    Right around the point where he started calling people pedophiles for not letting him do some crazy thing, I saw that poes he always was, since then I have seen him become more and more of that poes.

    I hope everyday he loses everything.

    Poes is a vagina in South African Afrikaans but its used more of a diss than an the anatomical description, which would be a dis on vaginas at the comparison.

  • Show me the mistake in such a case as that? Please id love to see your fictitious case because if you show me cases where the person had a shit lawyer and died because of insufficient council or evidence that had been withheld by the prosecution or bias by the judge or jury based of false information then I would argue that that is a failure of the system through courrupt individual that uses it in inappropriate ways its not intended to be used and not proportional justice that i seek.

    Yet again you make a stupid claim “like its gonna bring them back” are you dense? Are you purposely being obtuse? Not sure if you are or not.

    Blood lust? Someone call the hyperbole police on this person and yes you are delusion equating my belief in proportional justice as a blood lust for the innocence imma bout to slay? That i would argue is simplistic. Oh so just because I found out what the idea behind my belief is all of a sudden im a petulant immature child?

    You are the child in this point, labeling people casting your ideals on them without a serious conversation? Thats your immaturity, not understanding why a person would prefer their child murderer to not exist (and again specific to this case) is a perfectly rational response.

    You literally are defending their ability to avoid proportional justice so they can either be “rehabilitated” to leave and possibly commit a much worse crime or spend vasts amounts of money to keep housing the worst people like some macabre collection to leer at.

    I seek retribution not revenge. I seek a proportional sentence for the crime convicted of.

    This bit got me the most lol Because, spoiler alert, locking up a terrible murderer for the rest of their life will not allow them to murder. But you don’t care that innocent people will die.

    Ahh yeah they do, people with life sentences don’t care if they get time added, they gonna die there any way… very very simple view there

    And if you were paying any attention before you would understand that NO I DO care if innocent people die.

  • The guy is on video, he confessed to the police that it was premeditated, there were multiple witnesses. Where is this innocent person you keeping talking about being killed? I would argue its the fucking kids. I know you are talking over the whole judicial system but im arguing its these cases specifically.

    I think you really enjoy telling other who they are, incorrectly I might add, think im a murderer in waiting? I would say you like to feel your superiority of the moral standard that retribution is equal to being a murderer yourself. Thats what I call delusional.

    You be out here defending the lifes of the most disgusting humans on this planet and you think I’m the murderer? I call you an enabler, you would allow them to become “rehabilitated” in a system that relies on recidivism and just go on to kill again. Maybe you should think about all the people who left the prison just to kill again, their victim lay at your feet because you, obviously that is not true, but its your stupid logic.

  • You know, if you just watched that video. You’d understand my view point and it also has the opposite opinion, its both arguments give by two people who are more able to explain it better than me. Im basically trying to understand it myself and I try to explain it with some confidence with every other person on lemmy.

    The crime is? He kills his 3 kids. The punishment? Death, in this case. deserved and proportional, in my opinion, in this case!

    Btk, same opinion. Greene River, same opinion.

    You keep saying innocent people will be killed and you believe i want that to happen. I do not. you say “its inevitable” and I will say, that if you kill someone on false charges, it is wrong and it should only be applied to the cases I have stated previously, not a power just given out willy nilly.

    I’m not actively calling for an extremely low bar death penalty justice system, I say, eye for an eye. Killed his kids, delete him from life and this other guy from OPs post the guy rapes and kills a woman, 26, no remorse, killing is like brushing teeth, delete him from our society, and because I belive that I’m a potential murderer? Geeze man, thats depression as a conclusion. mountains, mole hills or something something.