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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Even though it’s something that’s technically correct on a philosophical level for SOME outlier patients, and in an ideal world and ideal system we could implement it well, I don’t think our system is anywhere close right now. Working in the healthcare system I don’t know anyone who’s eager for this or who knows how we’re going to sort through the massive haystack of innappropriate requests this will trigger, to correctly identify the few " needles" that it’s actually ethical for.

  • One solution would be to pay at the time that you order, but then I’d be horrified at the concept of being asked to tip BEFORE your meal, in which case tipping switches from being mild/borderline extortion to being full-on blatant extortion. So, credit card for deposit would be better, like someone else suggested.

    Or, if the point of this isn’t to ask for solutions but to complain about ‘people getting worse’… There’s always been shit-heads and there’s always going to be shit-heads out there. Maybe the percentages are shifting, but if so it’s likely the not-so-new problem of cities growing bigger and feeling less like a community, and if someone doesn’t feel like they have any connection or responsibility to the people that live around them, then this and countless other crimes and social breakdown tend to result. Maybe the nature of the internet and media etc. is making that worse, but if so it’s still only a different flavour to the old and ongoing task of maintaining social cohesion one generation to the next. I admit, some days I almost want to lose faith in that, but it’s gonna take more than an increase in petty theft to do it today.

  • 11 years. And, honestly I’m kinda grateful. It was time, regardless of the drama, and an unhealthy amount of my screen-existence was being eaten up by it. There seemed to be a slow, insidious change that I was probably sheltered from by keeping to old-reddit, but even then, the whole spez-API-drama wasn’t so much of a shock, but more the final nail in the coffin that reddit is, with no doubt, now a full on corporate for-profit website just like any of the other social media giants, and will continue to act more and more like them. I’ll admit I didn’t delete my account, just the app, and I still check back in every few days to peek in to a few more niche subreddits that there just isn’t any replacement for elsewhere (yet), but spending my time elsewhere has been refreshing.

  • All valid points. My take would be though with regards to your third point. The problem with MMIWG is there’s been too many ‘statements’ and not enough actual productive action taken. And this would be the opposite of actual productive action, spending 150-200 million dollars to comb through approx 60 000 tons of landfill over 3 years while putting peoples safety at risk to maybe have barely a minuscule chance at recovering what is now, tragically, likely an unrecognizable pile of organic matter. I can understand emotionally why the families want to anyway, but it’s just not a responsible use of time and effort, let alone money. That said, if the gov’t says that money and effort is better spent elsewhere, I would hold them to that, and say that they take that dollar amount and actually put it towards other, more helpful MMIWG causes.

  • Sadly I don’t think there is anything Canadian-owned that’s a true alternative. Don’t mind the other disingenuous commenter on here questioning your motive, they evidently think that Walmart is just as good for your community as local mom and pop shops, since they all ‘‘employ canadians’’. I think your alternative would be to simply order directly from whatever Canadian business you can find online selling whatever you’re looking for. Almost all of them still take orders from their own sites and ship Fedex/DHL/CanadaPost etc to almost anywhere. Amazon really is just a convenient middle-man and they’re not purely necessary. Basically a streamlined search function and ordering tool and they’re completely avoidable, it just takes a bit more effort. I think people should absolutely be making efforts to avoid them, because of their ridiculous market share and their precedent of working conditions and wages, if nothing else.