If you can manufacture a multi-trillion dollars advertisement strategy for single payer, go right ahead, otherwise we can wish things were different until we are blue in the face or work with the current environment as it exists.
Nerd; Board, Card, Pencil & Paper Gamer; Avid Reader; to find me in other places: https://lnk.bio/JaymesRS
If you can manufacture a multi-trillion dollars advertisement strategy for single payer, go right ahead, otherwise we can wish things were different until we are blue in the face or work with the current environment as it exists.
I could be wrong, but maybe the political and media environment in the 1940s is different than today making it an inaccurate comparison.
That’s exactly it. They don’t like it but they view any alternative, especially one forced on them, as worse. If you want to fix the problem, you unfortunately have to coddle the morons and let them voluntarily change when they find out it’s better.
City government is better than state government is better than federal government until they do something republicans don’t like than larger entities should stop them.
Correct. They are clear in that link as well that BlueSky themselves will not do anything to harvest and/or monetize data for AI. But there’s really no way to stop bad faith actors from crawling any perceivable content for malicious purposes.
Some of this is more just a generic overview of differences in perspective.
That would have been better in hindsight.
Nah, one of my kids are vegetarian and I cook to support them. I have no issues with vegans. I see how it came across that way though.
I suspect you must have missed the .ml vegan community drama a couple months ago. Take every bad stereotype about vegans and ramp it to 11. Everything was in bad faith. It bled into a couple different communities.
Your comment has been removed for including carnist hate words. We don’t use words that glorify murder like the “b” word.
Hey Canada, can I convince you to adopt us in Minnesota?
256% true. Do you think people would just go on the internet and tell lies like that?
Allow me to be the first to wish you a Happy Honda Days from my family to yours.
Until Trump’s DOJ decides to re-dismiss with prejudice.
The vast majority of email address domains aren’t chosen, they come from your ISP, Cell phone/computer OS manufacturer, or employer/school. That’s the opposite of the fedeverse account creation process.
But, but eMAil!!!1!!!
Twitter, where the response to “I like Hot Dogs” is “Why do you hate Cheeseburgers???”
There has also been an influx of toxic people whose only joy is getting a reaction out of others that are joining because the people they’d normally target on X are leaving. I’ve seen them trying to get the same type of engagement they used to get and also a lot of other people calling them out as “Hey, this person is an ass, you can block them/add them to the MAGA Trolls list”. That could seem like a flood of toxicity to some.
I bet someone could make a good live action adaptation. It’s too bad NO ONE has ever tried.
Makes The Stranger easier for sure…
Makes sense. That thing was op, they tried limiting it with only holding one shot, but it was an auto kill if you hit with it. Throwing knives was much more fun.