Inui [comrade/them]

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2023

  • Inui [comrade/them]@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlAre you a 'tankie'
    1 month ago


    I reject the label because it’s meaningless. I’m a Marxist-Leninist who has nothing to do with the USSR and frankly does not have an opinion on what happened in Hungary because I don’t know enough about the specific event. I acknowledge that Soviet Russia, like all countries, had positives and negatives. I believe that socialism can only be achieved and maintained using centralized planning and authority (which is the not same as a dictatorship) because they exist in a world dominated by capitalist forces that want to see them destroyed (see the ongoing US sanctions on Cuba and the many budding socialist governments the US has toppled).

    As a citizen of the United States, I also recognize that my country very frequently lies about its own actions and their justifications (see the Iraq War) to the detriment of people in other countries. Frequently to protect the interests of capital. Thus, I express skepticism when my government tries to tell me that another country is unilaterally ‘bad’, as is constantly the case with places like China, which I’ve visited several times and study academically. So when other countries take action to separate themselves from us, get out from under historical US domination, and practice an economic and social system that is not US-style liberal democracy, I applaud their successes and try to understand their failures. This is true even if those success harm me, usually economically, as I do not want my existence to be predicated on the suffering of others.

    To anyone on .world, which is obnoxiously in line with the United States status quo, I am a ‘tankie’ because I do not believe that China is evil, that Russians are ‘orcs’, that the Cuban people deserve to be starved by our sanctions, that Joe Biden has to support Palestinian genocide and continue Trump’s border policy because ‘its complicated’, and anything else that is critical of my own country and its actions that continue to harm people not as fortunate to be born in my same geographical location.

    I will also be accused of ‘whataboutism’ for this post unless I also say something like modern Russia is a capitalist hellscape and that the Cultural Revolution and most of Mao’s later career after the Jiangxi Soviet was a mistake due his own incompetence as a large-scale political leader instead of a guerilla fighter. But that’s a level of nuance the people crying ‘tankie’ won’t usually care about anyway.

  • Which laws? Most institutions in pretty much every society are still largely controlled by men. If you remove laws that are meant to create more equity or to protect women from discrimination, this trend will grow stronger, as people tend to hire and prefer the company of others like themselves. Men will vote for other men and male dominated fields will continue to hire men due to explicit or subconscious bias. There are always exceptions to this, but you can see that sort of self-selection occurring even in things that are low stakes, like hobby groups.

  • Curious if anyone has used an immutable server distro and what their experiences were, considering most of what I would be running there would be docker containers anyway. Specifically, ucore-server. It looks like it requires a lot more setup than the other desktop variants like bluefin or bazzite for their purposes. Which is maybe just inevitable for a server, but it’s a bit of a pain point to see a list of “if you need this, do this first” for a dozen different things on github.

    I’ve been running Bazzite on my main PC after using Arch for a few years and it’s been completely fine aside from a few flatpak hiccups that were resolved by installing the offending program in distrobox instead.

  • I think you are a deeply unserious person who idolizes poverty by saying vegans making the choice are bad and people forced into are good. I also think, based on this conversation, that you hold no strong convictions that can’t be shaken out of you with a little bit of hardship and can’t contextualize any amount of self-sacrifice because of your obsession with veganism being a privileged position. I already told you that people who have no other option are not a target of criticism, but people like you who who use others as a scapegoat certainly are. I’m blocking you now though because this is going nowhere.

  • You literally asked me the question and are now chastising me for my answer. This is the “how do you know someone is vegan” joke. I pointed out self-preservation to point out that vegans don’t go around attacking poor people and don’t expect people to keep their principles in those situations. I made a choice I don’t expect other people to make. I point my criticisms at the people I know in real life who shop at the exact same stores I do and make similar amounts of money, but still use poor people as an excuse not to change their own behavior.

  • Am I privileged if I can afford to eat Beyond Burgers every night but I eat rice and beans instead? What if I can’t afford those things, still eat rice and beans, but I tell people I’m vegan to avoid awkward social interactions? You’re making up a caricature of vegans in your head, comparing them to poor people who happen to not be able to afford meat, and then saying the latter is somehow a better person.

    The option you presented is a poor non-vegan person vs. a wealthier vegan person. There are people in between these two things.

  • I’m not saying you’re incorrect. But I want to point out that many people who concern troll about how difficult vegan diets are to be healthy on are also people who don’t question how unhealthy their current choices are when it comes to consuming soda, energy drinks, red meat, other snacks, etc. Some people do, but most people who ask me about nutrition are not people who count their own calories or try to balance all their meals. It’s just as easy to be unhealthy as a non-vegan.