InappropriateEmote [comrade/them, undecided]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2021


  • one party is clearly more zealous about ending democracy than the other.

    You don’t get it. Bourgeois democracy is a sham. It has never served working people the way they tell you it has. “One party is clearly” blah blah blah. No. Both parties are playing one of the two roles of the “good cop/bad cop” routine. That’s all this is! It can be true that one side can cause more damage while in power than the other side, but at this point, it’s just batty (and wrong) to think that the side with the blue donkey logo is going to do less harm. Even if we forget that it’s the latter side currently funding and helping orchestrate a fucking genocide, it only ramped up and made worse all the terrible policies implemented when the red elephant had ostensible control. Don’t fall for it. Both “sides” (aka both cops) only want to fuck you over and they’re doing it as a collaborative effort. Voting for either of them only sends the message that you have indeed fallen for the act and that you’ll keep supporting them as long as they keep up that act, which of course they will. If you feel that voting serves a purpose, or that it can be still be used for good, then vote for someone who actually shares your ideals, which neither fascist cop does.

  • It’s not a slur any more than calling someone a Nazi is a slur. In both cases, the fascists chose the term for themselves and use it to self-identify. Leftists likewise use the terms with all the derision they deserve. Simple as. If I call a Nazi a Nazi, it’s not a slur just because I think Nazis are evil and disgusting and are in need of redacting. So too with Zionists.

    If someone is using the term to describe themselves, but they (correctly) think that settler-colonialism is wrong and that the state of Israel is a genocidal ethnostate, then they are misusing the term, according to both the vast majority of Zionists as well as the people who oppose Zionism. As always, what is antisemitic is the equating of Zionism with Judaism, it is not antisemitic or saying a “slur” to accurately use the term Zionist as an epithet. It’s disgusting but unsurprising how the Zionists keep harping on this to try to make themselves out to be the ones being persecuted.