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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Thank you for kind words, and I do know that deep down. But being very, very familiar with Lebanon’s history, it makes me cry to think of everything these people have been through and the horrors awaiting them if this escalates. I know the Palestinians are going through the same thing now in Gaza, but for whatever reason the news of what may happen in Lebanon has hit me harder. It is probably due to my personal experiences being on the receiving end of antisemitism from a Lebanese person and feeling like I deserved it because of what “my people” did. When this happened to me, I didn’t understand. Why did he hate me? My family fled Europe and came to America. I have no connection aside from being Jewish to modern day Israel. I took that as an opportunity to learn about the history, if I am going to be associated with the actions of Israel then I should learn the history. Now I know the history, I can understand why they have that hate.

  • Man. I know the Palestinians have it rough, but the Lebanese do as well. That country has seen so much turmoil. I feel so sad for the people of Lebanon.

    As a Jewish person, who has met Lebanese who hate me because of my ethnicity and said as much to me, I wish I could apologize for the atrocities committed either by Israel or with their permission over the many decades. I wish an apology from some random American Jew with no direct family from Israel can apologize for what “my people” have done. I am also an atheist, but I am praying for their safety. These people have suffered enough. The history of Lebanon is horrible, so much death and suffering. So much caused by the Israelis, Phalangist, Syrians, and yes, even the Palestinians. This whole situation hearts my heart.

    edit: I’ll make clear, of course in this situation Israel needs to deal with Hezbollah. But Lebanese does not equal Hezbollah. Just like Palestinian does not equal Hamas.

  • if the US didn’t support Israel and took a neutral stance on the Palestine issue

    I think we are agreeing with each other? I’m arguing modern relations. If the US did not align so closely with Israel over the last 80 years the situation would be different. But because we did, it is how it is today.

    Edit: if you would, allow me to amend the comment you responded to. I inaccurately stated what I mean. We have alliances with Saudis, we have agreements with Egypt.

    This article articulates the points I would like to make better than I could ever make them. It also agrees that American politics is a driving factor, of course it is. But also explains what I mean about strategically and intelligence wise.


    Edit2, the important bit from the article to support my view

    Initially, Israel served as a countervailing force to Soviet influence, but this line of thinking persisted even after the Cold War. And it became even more pervasive after 9/11, when it was discovered that some of the perpetrators of the attack were citizens of Saudi Arabia, which the US counted as another key ally in the region. Doubting that it could continue to rely on the Saudis, the US leaned more heavily on Israel based on the perception that it had more shared values and interests. That includes a shared commitment to democracy, though Netanyahu’s undemocratic plan to overhaul the Israeli judiciary has recently put that in question.

    “It’s not only a long-standing moral commitment; it’s a strategic commitment,” then-Vice President Biden said in 2013. “An independent Israel, secure in its own borders, recognized by the world is in the practical strategic interest of the United States of America. I used to say … if there were no Israel, we’d have to invent one.”

    there are also some good books on the subject I can recommend.

  • I can’t disagree more. Saudi Arabia is absolutely not an ally. Egypt is absolutely not an ally either. They may be strategically important, but the US can basically guarantee loyalty from the Israelis. No such loyalties will be found in Muslim nations. Egypt also does not have a recent history of stability. Israel is also the only “Western” nation in the Middle East.

    Edit: allow me to clarify and see my responses to this. I am wrong in saying they are not allies. We are allies economically and militarily, but the relationship is not the same as the relationship with Israel. For many reasons, and those reasons, some expressed below, are why the US considers Israel the most important ally in the region. HOWEVER, things have been slowly changing in recent years. But how these relationships play out is yet to be seen.

  • The reality of the situation is that Israel is an extremely important ally in the region. They are our biggest intelligence partner in one of, if not the most important regions in the world politically and economically. Everyone around them is, to some extent, an adversary or enemy to the United States. Until these benefits they provide the United States in the region is outweighed by their atrocities there will be continued, almost unconditional support from the US government.