Pickle Pincher

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 15th, 2023


  • I honestly wish you the best. I’m not an asshole, and I know this sounds bitter but after what I’ve seen and experienced I really have no faith at all in humanity and given up on society both as a locale community and as a global whole. I don’t care what happens to “us” at all, in the Ukraine or Israel, and definitely not what happens to the climate or planet after I’m gone. I don’t wish to change the world or contribute to society or leave a mark on this place at all anymore, just to selfishly enjoy the pleasures of the flesh (alcohol, video games, porn) in between work shifts until my time is up or I decide it’s not even worth it anymore, and to in the meanwhile be fucked with by other human beings as little as possible anymore until then. Select members of my immediate family are the only exception.

    Good luck to you. Despite feeling this way, I still hope good and honest people have a decent human experience and get along as they deserve. So if you’re one of them, this applies to you.

  • You can call them clear and obvious crimes or even chicken sandwiches if you want but it doesn’t actually matter what label we’d personally like to put on it if the government doesn’t prosecute it. Wealthy people and companies in our society have been successfully funneling money to sidestep tax law out in the open for as long as law and government itself existed and will continue to do so. It’s no secret that Apple pays no federal taxes. It’s acknowledged by both sides. Donald Trump publicly filed for bankruptcy several times despite making significant profits and walked away with huge write-offs and possibly even a huge refund. Hes openly bragged about it for decades now. He would love the opportunity to talk highly about himself by doing so again to a room full of IRS agents. Nothing will ever come of cases like these.

    It makes me sick also, because I feel like Bernie was our last chance to stop it. But at this point to even get angry about it anymore is a waste of energy and time. I was around in 2011 when the occupy protests did dick all to stop wall street from getting away with financial crimes. They all yelled and screamed that it was illegal, and it at least partially was. But who gives a shit if it doesn’t affect anything? Wall street hasn’t changed in almost a century aside from automated trading. Several movies were made named wall street, several decades apart, and it was almost literally the same movie. Our options are: just fucking cope already, or go mental. It’s likely not going to happen, at least not for a long time, and by that time most of the ones that already did or are happening now that we know about will already have too much time passed to be legally persuable. We have to just let it go and persue another battle. Cope.

  • From the bottom of my heart, fuck you Pfizer. I have had Covid twice, had my blood oxygen drop as low as 79, and I would still rather die a miserable covid death than suffer the injustice of being greed raped by the absolute worst caricature of capitalist pigs that actually came to life. I hope that money makes your board members miserable and can’t do much to treat the uncurable, flesh eating disease your evil pig carcasses should be justifiably riddled with by karma, leaving your kids to donate your disgustingly afforded estate to charity to cleanse themselves of the nasty aftertaste of human suffering, the faint stink of people who are trying to take paxlovid and recover from a major virus in the rain and vulnerable cold because they can’t afford both rent and medicine, after your death. Burn in hell, you uncaring scum.

    EDIT: I realize this is a lot of vitrol to throw out into the universe, but they likely won’t ever see this on Lemmy, and to make matters worse they clearly won’t care anyway. It’s just my own version of catharsis, I guess

  • As a New Yorker, let me just assure you that it wasn’t really designed with crosstown traffic in mind. If you’re going from West 69th and say, 10th Ave, to East 69th and 2nd, you’re in for a shitshow no matter what you do. This includes walking (try not to be ran over by an Uber walking through Central Park late at night). Taking the subway(what subway line goes from upper east to upper west?? Hahahah you’re fucked!) Or taking a crosstown bus (Takes almost an hour to go from 10th avenue to 2nd avenue cause you’re gonna have to go all the way up/down to the cross park street).

    Multiple smaller parks would probably be much better, or just, y’know, having space for trees outside of the designated tree infrastructure.

  • As an old man now I much prefer being alone, it’s just way safer, everyone’s so uptight and crazy these days, I’m scared to say something unintentional that will offend somebody or touch on some new political conspiracy theory that somebody feels weird about and I’ll end up a Tik Tok meme for being innocently old and unintentionally ignorant of the new vocabulary.

    Beer just makes way better company than some self righteous strangers any day of the week, and if I need to keep up on news I’ll just surf Lemmy for a bit and I speak as freely as I want to here. Fuck human beings in general.

  • All dicks and no holes. Just a big pile of fuckery and greed in a big circle. The fed fucks big pharma. So the pharma company fucks over the hospitals. The hospital turns around and fucks the insurance. And the insurance companies are legally justified to square the difference from out of your asshole. And since some of that comes from the fed via state run marketplaces, the cycle of fuckery is complete.

    If anyone’s offended by my language there, I apologize and assure you, it’s an entirely gender neutral and accurate metaphor.