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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023

  • The problem now is that they stopped prescribing opiates for people go need them. Now, the suicide rate has increased for those with Chronic Pain issues. Many places stopped giving Pain medication after major surgeries.

    They were giving Ocycontin for minor muscle pain, because regular doctors were told that it had no abuse risk. Now, they assume everyone has the predisposition for opioid addiction, when it’s only 5% of the population or so.

    As a person who needs pain meds daily just to function, I miss the days when doctors were able to focus on doctring instead of withholding treatment because the DEA wants to arrest doctors. Over 20 years I’ve been on opiates and when I get a prescription canceled, or need to change meds, I stop them and after 3 days I’m clean again.

    It’s not that big of a deal when you don’t get high from regular dosages. I never moved to the black market, I usually just suffer and complain to my doctor politely when I can’t get out of bed and bathe myself because they stop my medications.

    Many other people choose Suicide be abuse constant 24/7 pain takes a heavy toll on your psyche.

  • So nice that before this happened, the railworkers wanted to strike duets safety concerns and understaffed Railroads. All to keep them from taking days off and lowering profits.

    Good old Joe Biden (friend to the working man) denied the strike request because interfering with Christmas shipping would be a problem.

    I think the railworkers should have called his bluff and all off the job. Unlike Reagan and the Air Traffic Strike, the military can’t just take over those jobs. He couldn’t replace the entire unionized jobs like the AIR Force could take over flight operators.

  • I think the issue comes that it only syncs messages one way and doesn’t sync on deletions. Apple should have messages that are removed from all devices when removed from the phone, but it didn’t remove messages when deleted.

    Sure the guy is a moron for being a cheater and scumbag, but Apple should remove deleted messages. That’s a privacy problem with Apple’s sync. I don’t use Apple devices due to other Apple crap, but setting up iCloud sync should have a warning when items won’t be deleted and only will be downloaded to devices.

    Wasn’t an entire stupid movie about the horrible sync pitfalls in Apple devices premiered years ago?

  • You can redact a lot without losing the focus of what is found in a report of this magnitude. It happens a lot in many businesses that had investigations.

    If they don’t have the skill to write that, then why are they a media company to begin with?

    Why is the statement written personally instead of as a standard press release?

    This note sounds more to the point that Linus didn’t know anything of what happened, so nothing was wrong. Lastly, they said that they would have a report for us after the investigation was done. Without putting the report out, they can’t hope to put this all behind them. There will always be a shadow order them still. Also, saying that they don’t have to publish a report because they are a private company will only let more people think they are hiding something.

    The investigation was to show they weren’t hiding anything, and without a report showing the allegations were false they haven’t done anything.

  • Those were many things on their own that would fix the problems. Fixing the pay inequality is the easiest, but making companies pay taxes would be pretty easily if those in power weren’t bribed to not pass those changes.

    Gun laws don’t lower crime, crime has been lowered without them. The media makes good money with pushing the fear aspect, the same way that Trump gets media attention for all the BS coming from his mouth. The media never shows people protecting themselves with gun’s because it goes against their main narrative.

    The main reason billionaires push the anti-gun rhetoric is because they don’t want to face the gun’s when people finally get sick of their exploitation.