One of them Carpenter nerd types.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Hopped on path of exile with a friend. We’re slowing going through the acts and likely won’t get to mapping by the time the new league drops. It’s fine though.

    Been messing around with Sky: Child of Light, that one mmo that is very reminiscent of journey made by the same people and got extremely frustrated. I ‘finished’ the game after getting stun locked, and proceeded to find some trials which required precise control of your character… Which is not a thing. Pressing jump doesn’t always work. The physics aren’t great, and the leeway for timings is much harsher than it needs to be. All in all, that was not the best experience. I ended up on the Farmville quest. First objective I could do alone, second one required another person. Third one needs 3 people…

    It’s also the 8th anniversary of Egg Inc. and they have their annual event running. I managed to triple my earnings bonus in one day… Which is fairly significant.

  • I do this very silly thing where I watch the first episode of every new anime that pops up, do a short write up on it, and then most likely never watch it again. I’ve found some wonderful gems this way but there is an absolute shit ton of garbage.

    That being said, the most memorable instant stop watching I had was the first season of one about a highschool maid Cafe that extorted the MC into joining, dumped this whole “we do bit acting to make it more entertaining”, and then having the MC call one of the other girls her sister, which was immediately a problem. Like there was some obvious trauma and they just keeeeeep on poking at it. Fuck that. It’s rude as hell, the entire show can go kick rocks.

    There are way worse than that which are obvious ones to just not watch. Healer redo is one of those.

    One of the gems I found was a mech anime based on the Japanese bullet train, and it’s completely bog standard. However, the first episode has an April fools variant of the subtitling that made it worth the watch. Sadly the rest of the show is done properly.

    Biggest fail I’ve seen so far from sub to dub was from “ya boy kongming”, which is a delightful watch on its own. Apparently the company which did the dub didn’t think the literal rap battle needed to be translated… Or subtitled. I was very disappointed.

  • This article is about manor lords, an indie solo dev who released their game into early access and in 2.5 months hasn’t released a groundshaking perfect version. Whoever is complaining about the speed of development should be ignored.

    As for others who have yet to release a game but are being pushed by the publisher to hurry up and get it out are an entirely different matter.

    For the article, I like to look to games like terraria, which took quite a long time between patches, and honestly said they were completely done patching the game and the patched it a few more times. People may lose interest for a bit, but each large patch will bring people back as long as it was a good game.

  • The directional pad is four separate buttons. Up down left right. I want them to be like the c buttons on the Nintendo 64 controller. Separate.

    What ends up happening with me is that I’ll press down but not squarely down. There is a good chance I’ll press partially to the left or right while using smaller d pads. This causes extra inputs I didn’t intend to do happen. The ds made playing tetris much harder on me than it should have for me.